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lt-proc(1) lt-proc(1)


lt-proc - This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools ( lttoolbox )
This tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture:


lt-proc [ -a | -c | -g | -n | -p | -s | -t | -v | -h ] fst_file [input_file [output_file]]
lt-proc [ --analysis | --case-sensitive | --generation | --non-marked-gen | --post-generation | --sao | --transliteration | --version | --help ] fst_file [input_file [output_file]]


lt-proc is the application responsible for providing the four lexical processing functionalities
morphological analyser ( option -a )
lexical transfer ( option -n )
morphological generator ( option -g )
post-generator ( option -p )
It accomplishes these tasks by reading binary files containing a compact and efficient representation of dictionaries (a class of finite-state transducers called augmented letter transducers). These files are generated by lt-comp(1).
It is worth to mention that some characters (` [', `]', `$', ` ^', `/', `+') are special chars used for format and encapsulation. They should be escaped if they have to be used literally, for instance: ` ['...`]' are ignored and the format of a linefeed is `^...$'.


-a, --analysis
Tokenizes the text in surface forms (lexical units as they appear in texts) and delivers, for each surface form, one or more lexical forms consisting of lemma, lexical category and morphological inflection information. Tokenization is not straightforward due to the existence, on the one hand, of contractions, and, on the other hand, of multi-word lexical units. For contractions, the system reads in a single surface form and delivers the corresponding sequence of lexical forms. Multi-word surface forms are analysed in a left-to-right, longest-match fashion. Multi-word surface forms may be invariable (such as a multi-word preposition or conjunction) or inflected (for example, in es, "echaban de menos", "they missed", is a form of the imperfect indicative tense of the verb "echar de menos", "to miss"). Limited support for some kinds of discontinuous multi-word units is also available. Single-word surface forms analysis produces output like the one in these examples:   "cantar" -> ` ^cantar/cantar<vblex><inf>$' or  ` "daba" ->  ` ^daba/dar<vblex><pii><p1><sg>/dar<vblex><pii><p3><sg>$'.
-c, --case-sensitive
Use the literal case of the incoming characters
-g, --generation
Delivers a target-language surface form for each target-language lexical form, by suitably inflecting it.
-n, --non-marked-gen
Morphological generation (like -g) but without unknown word marks (asterisk `*').
-p, --post-generation
Performs orthographical operations such as contractions and apostrophations. The post-generator is usually dormant (just copies the input to the output) until a special alarm symbol contained in some target-language surface forms wakes it up to perform a particular string transformation if necessary; then it goes back to sleep.
-s, --sao
Input processing is in orthoepikon (previously `sao') annotation system format:
-t, --transliteration
Apply a transliteration dictionary
-v, --version
Display the version number.
-h, --help
Display this help.


input_file The input compiled dictionary.


lt-expand(1), lt-comp(1), apertium-tagger(1), apertium-translator(1).


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(c) 2005,2006 Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante. All rights reserved.