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last-dotplot - make a dotplot, a.k.a. Oxford Grid, of alignments in LAST tabular format


last-dotplot --help
last-dotplot [options] maf-or-tab-alignments dotplot.png
last-dotplot [options] maf-or-tab-alignments dotplot.gif


Draw a dotplot of pair-wise sequence alignments in MAF or tabular format.


-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
show progress messages & data about the plot
-x INT, --width=INT
maximum width in pixels (default: 1000)
-y INT, --height=INT
maximum height in pixels (default: 1000)
-m M, --maxseqs=M
maximum number of horizontal or vertical sequences (default=100)
which sequences to show from the 1st genome
which sequences to show from the 2nd genome
-c COLOR, --forwardcolor=COLOR
color for forward alignments (default: red)
-r COLOR, --reversecolor=COLOR
color for reverse alignments (default: blue)
secondary alignments
genome1 sequence order: 0=input order, 1=name order, 2=length order, 3=alignment order (default=1)
genome2 sequence order: 0=input order, 1=name order, 2=length order, 3=alignment order (default=1)
genome1 sequence orientation: 0=forward orientation, 1=alignment orientation (default=0)
genome2 sequence orientation: 0=forward orientation, 1=alignment orientation (default=0)
maximum unaligned (end,mid) gap in genome1: fraction of aligned length (default=0.5,2)
maximum unaligned (end,mid) gap in genome2: fraction of aligned length (default=0.5,2)
pad length when cutting unaligned gaps: fraction of aligned length (default=0.04)
number of pixels between sequences (default=1)
color for pixels between sequences (default=black)
margin color
Text options:
-f FILE, --fontfile=FILE
TrueType or OpenType font file
-s SIZE, --fontsize=SIZE
TrueType or OpenType font size (default: 14)
genome1 labels: 0=name, 1=name:length, 2=name:start:length, 3=name:start-end (default=0)
genome2 labels: 0=name, 1=name:length, 2=name:start:length, 3=name:start-end (default=0)
text rotation for the 1st genome (default=h)
text rotation for the 2nd genome (default=v)
Annotation options:
read genome1 annotations from BED file
read genome2 annotations from BED file
read genome1 repeats from RepeatMasker .out or rmsk.txt file
read genome2 repeats from RepeatMasker .out or rmsk.txt file
Gene options:
read genome1 genes from genePred file
read genome2 genes from genePred file
color for exons (default=PaleGreen)
color for protein-coding regions (default=LimeGreen)
Unsequenced gap options:
read genome1 unsequenced gaps from agp or gap file
read genome2 unsequenced gaps from agp or gap file
color for bridged gaps (default: yellow)
color for unbridged gaps (default: orange)
January 2019 last-dotplot 963