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last-dotplot - make a dotplot, a.k.a. Oxford Grid, of alignments in LAST tabular format


last-dotplot --help
last-dotplot [options] maf-or-tab-alignments dotplot.png
last-dotplot [options] maf-or-tab-alignments dotplot.gif


Draw a dotplot of pair-wise sequence alignments in MAF or tabular format.


show this help message and exit
show progress messages & data about the plot
maximum width in pixels (default: 1000)
maximum height in pixels (default: 1000)
maximum number of horizontal or vertical sequences (default=100)
which sequences to show from the 1st genome
which sequences to show from the 2nd genome
secondary alignments
genome1 sequence order: 0=input order, 1=name order, 2=length order, 3=alignment order (default=1)
genome2 sequence order: 0=input order, 1=name order, 2=length order, 3=alignment order (default=1)
genome1 sequence orientation: 0=forward orientation, 1=alignment orientation (default=0)
genome2 sequence orientation: 0=forward orientation, 1=alignment orientation (default=0)
maximum unaligned (end,mid) gap in genome1: fraction of aligned length (default=0.5,2)
maximum unaligned (end,mid) gap in genome2: fraction of aligned length (default=0.5,2)
pad length when cutting unaligned gaps: fraction of aligned length (default=0.04)
join: 0=nothing, 1=alignments adjacent in genome1, 2=alignments adjacent in genome2 (default=0)
number of pixels between sequences (default=1)
read genome1 annotations
read genome2 annotations
Text options:
TrueType or OpenType font file
TrueType or OpenType font size (default: 14)
genome1 labels: 0=name, 1=name:length, 2=name:start:length, 3=name:start-end (default=0)
genome2 labels: 0=name, 1=name:length, 2=name:start:length, 3=name:start-end (default=0)
text rotation for the 1st genome (default=h)
text rotation for the 2nd genome (default=v)
Color options:
color for forward alignments (default: red)
color for reverse alignments (default: blue)
color for pixels between sequences (default=black)
margin color
color for exons (default=PaleGreen)
color for protein-coding regions (default=LimeGreen)
color for bridged gaps (default: yellow)
color for unbridged gaps (default: orange)
August 2022 last-dotplot 1407