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cif_correct_tags() cif_correct_tags()


cif_correct_tags - Corrects misspelt tags in a CIF file and outputs made changes into the standard I/O streams. By default, only tags from CIF Core and CIF COD dictionaries with extra '^_+' prefixes are corrected. Additionally, a replacement list file can be provided for the correction of misspelt tags.


cif_correct_tags --options input.cif input*.cif


Corrects misspelt tags in a CIF file and outputs made changes into the standard I/O streams. By default, only tags from CIF Core and CIF COD dictionaries with extra '^_+' prefixes are corrected. Additionally, a replacement list file can be provided for the correction of misspelt tags.


--keep-tag-order Keep the original tag order in CIF file (default).

--sort-tags Reorder tags in CIF file according to COD.

-r, --replacement-list 'replacement-file.lst' Name of the multi-line replacement list file with entries of form '_incorrect_tag _correct_tag' to be used in the correction of misspelt tags.

--use-perl-parser Use the Perl-only CIF parser.

--use-c-parser Use the speed-optimised C/Perl parser. Default.

--cif-input Use CIF format for input (default).

--json-input Use JSON format for input.

--cif-output Use CIF format for output (default).

--json-output Use JSON format for output.

--cif Use CIF format for both input and output (default).

--json Use JSON format for both input and output.

--help, --usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

--version Output version information and exit.


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