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xsddiagram - Xml Schema Definition (XSD) diagram viewer


XSDDiagram.exe [ -o output.svg] [-so EXTENSION] [-r RootElement] * [-e N] [-z N] [file.xsd]


XSD Diagram, version
specifies the output image. Only '.svg' or '.png' are allowed. If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the output image is streamed through the standard output. EXTENSION can be: png, jpg, svg or emf (emf on Windows only). If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the root element of the tree. You can put several -r options = several root elements in the tree.
-e N
specifies the expand level (from 0 to what you want). Be carefull, the result image can be huge.
-z N
specifies the zoom percentage from 10% to 1000% (only for .png image). Work only with the '-o', '-os png' or '-os jpg' option.
Example 1: > XSDDiagram.exe -o file.png -r TotoRoot -e 3 -z 200 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will generate a PNG image from a diagram with a root element 'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
Example 2: > XSDDiagramConsole.exe ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window.
Example 3: > XSDDiagram.exe -r TotoRoot -e 2 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window with a root element 'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 2nd level.
Example 4: > XSDDiagram.exe -os svg -r TotoRoot -e 3 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will write a SVG image in the standard output from a diagram with a root element 'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
April 2012 xsddiagram 0.10