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rpld(1) System User's Manual: rpld rpld(1)


rpld - RoarAudio PlayList Daemon


rpld [OPTIONS]


The RoarAudio PlayList Daemon is a daemon which manages playlists and can play files or streams from those lists using a RoarAudio Sound Server.


-h --help
Show a small help.
Daemonize (go into background).
--server SERVER
Set default server to the RoarAudio server (e.g. roard) at SERVER.
--pidfile PIDFILE
Write a pidfile at PIDFILE.
--histsize NUM
Set size of the default history playlist to NUM entrys. This may be overwritten by restoring a store.
--plugin-load PLUGIN
Load plugin PLUGIN.
--plugin-args ARGS
Set the plugin arguments for the plugin loaded next to ARGS. This must always be used before --plugin-load.


--user USER
Sets UID to USER.
--group GROUP
Sets GID to GROUP.
Allow to run as root. This is a bad thing to do. Do never set this option. This will open very bad security holes!


Restore state from store.
Do not restore state from store.
will restore old state if possible. This is a non-fatal version of --restore.
Store state on exit.
Do not store state on exit.
--store-path DIR
Location where to store/restore from/to.


Start in playling state.
Start in stopped state (default).
--role ROLE
Set role for streams (default: music).
--codec-helper-rate RATE
Set the sample rate the codec helper uses as it's output format.
Set the number of bits the codec helper uses as it's output format.
Set the number of channels the codec helper uses as it's output format.
Set the codec the codec helper uses as it's output format.


--load-playlist PLAYLIST TYPE FILE
Load playlist PLAYLIST of type TYPE from file FILE. The playlist is created if it does not exist.


Listen on TCP Socket.
Listen on UNIX Socket.
Listen on DECnet Socket.
--port PORT
Listen on port PORT. This is only useful for TCP listen sockets.
--bind ADDR
Listen on address ADDR.
--proto PROTO
Set protocol of listen socket.
--acclev LEV
Sets the accesslevel for this socket to LEV.
Opens an additional listen socket.
Enable OpenSLP support.
Do not add a default listening socket. This option is in general not very useful for any user. It is only useful for specal tests and with --client-fh.
--client-fh FH
Added a client at the given FH to rpld. This option is in general not very useful for any user.
--close-fh FH
This closes a given FH at startup time. This option is in general not very useful for any user.


--bl-codec CODEC
Use helper for codec CODEC.


roartips(7), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7).


For history information see RoarAudio(7).
July 2010 RoarAudio PlayList Daemon