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pygn2m(1) Python Gateway news to mail pygn2m(1)


pygn2m - Python Gateway news to mail


pygs -t recipient@domain1 -s sender@domain2 [ -e envelope@domain3 ] [ -h ]


IMPORTANT: this man page is to be continued. The Whole pyg gateway is in devel. state. try -h option for more detailed option.
pygn2m reads from stdin a nntp article, sending it to recipient@domain1 a rfc822 compliant email setting Resent-Sender: sender@domain2 and envelope envelope@domain3 if exists, else sender@domain2.
If pygn2m reads from stdin a sigle line starting with /, it is considered an absolute path to an article (ie in a spool), so pygn2m will open and read it.


There is some documetation in /urs/share/doc/pyg
I created mailgate user (moderator of local.moderated ng). Every article posted in local.moderated is sent to mailgate, in its .procmailrc I've put:
:0 bhc * ^To: *local-moderated | $HOME/pygs -t kalfa@localhost -e -s ''
where kalfa@localhost is the recipient (usually a mailing list)
Here is an header extract from kalfa@localhost mbox:
From From: whosentnntparticle@domain4 To: kalfa@localhost Resent-Sender:
note that sender and envelope are different. rfc822 says that Sender: have to be a human user (not a program or similia). envelope can mailgate user.


Cosimo Alfarano <>


Boh. send any bug to the author, please.
Sun Sep 12 22:40:00 CEST 2000