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ONEUSER(1) oneuser(1) -- manages OpenNebula users ONEUSER(1)




oneuser command [args] [options]


-r, --read-file Read password from file --sha1 The password will be hashed using the sha1 algorithm --ssh SSH Auth system --x509 x509 Auth system for x509 certificates -k, --key path_to_private_key_pem Path to the Private Key of the User -c, --cert path_to_user_cert_pem Path to the Certificate of the User --driver driver Driver to autehnticate this user --x509_proxy x509 Auth system based on x509 proxy certificates --proxy path_to_user_proxy_pem Path to the user proxy certificate --time x Token duration in seconds, defaults to 3600 (1 h) -l, --list x,y,z Selects columns to display with list command -d, --delay x Sets the delay in seconds for top command -x, --xml Show the resource in xml format -n, --numeric Do not translate user and group IDs -v, --verbose Verbose mode -h, --help Show this message -V, --version Show version and copyright information


create username [password]
Creates a new User Examples: oneuser create my_user my_password oneuser create my_user -r /tmp/mypass oneuser create my_user --ssh --key /tmp/id_rsa oneuser create my_user --ssh -r /tmp/public_key oneuser create my_user --x509 --cert /tmp/my_cert.pem valid options: read_file, sha1, ssh, x509, key, cert, driver
update userid
Launches the system editor to modify and update the template contents
login username
Creates the Login token for authentication Examples: oneuser login my_user --ssh --key /tmp/id_rsa --time 72000 oneuser login my_user --x509 --cert /tmp/my_cert.pem --key /tmp/ --time 72000 oneuser login my_user --x509_proxy --proxy /tmp/my_cert.pem --time 72000 valid options: ssh, x509, x509_proxy, key, cert, proxy, time
Shows a public key from a private SSH key. Use it as password for the SSH authentication mechanism. valid options: key
delete range|userid_list
Deletes the given User
passwd userid [password]
Changes the given User´s password valid options: read_file, sha1, ssh, x509, key, cert, driver
chgrp range|userid_list groupid
Changes the User´s main group
chauth userid [auth] [password]
Changes the User´s auth driver and its password (optional) Examples: oneuser chauth my_user core oneuser chauth my_user core new_password oneuser chauth my_user core -r /tmp/mypass oneuser chauth my_user --ssh --key /home/oneadmin/.ssh/id_rsa oneuser chauth my_user --ssh -r /tmp/public_key oneuser chauth my_user --x509 --cert /tmp/my_cert.pem valid options: read_file, sha1, ssh, x509, key, cert, driver
Lists Users in the pool valid options: list, delay, xml, numeric
show [userid]
Shows information for the given User valid options: xml


Path to a file
List of id´s in the form 1,8..15
OpenNebula GROUP name or id
OpenNebula USER name or id
Comma-separated list of OpenNebula USER names or ids
User password


OpenNebula 3.4.1 Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
April 2012