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mysqldbexport - Export a list of databases in a variety of formats


mysqldbexport [options] db_name ...


This utility exports metadata (object definitions) or data or both from one or more databases. By default, the export includes only definitions.
mysqldbexport differs from mysqldump in that it can produce output in a variety of formats to make your data extraction/transport much easier. It permits you to export your data in the format most suitable to an external tool, another MySQL server, or other use without the need to reformat the data.
To exclude specific objects by name, use the --exclude option with a name in db.*obj* format, or you can supply a search pattern. For example, --exclude=db1.trig1 excludes the single trigger and --exclude=trig_ excludes all objects from all databases having a name that begins with trig and has a following character.
To skip objects by type, use the --skip option with a list of the objects to skip. This enables you to extract a particular set of objects, say, for exporting only events (by excluding all other types). Similarly, to skip creation of UPDATE statements for BLOB data, specify the --skip-blobs option.
To specify how to display output, use one of the following values with the --format option:
sql (default)
Display output using SQL statements. For definitions, this consists of the appropriate CREATE and GRANT statements. For data, this is an INSERT statement (or bulk insert if the --bulk-insert option is specified).
Display output in grid or table format like that of the mysql monitor.
Display output in comma-separated values format.
Display output in tab-separated format.
Display output in single-column format like that of the \G command for the mysql monitor.

To specify how much data to display, use one of the following values with the --display option:
Display only the minimal columns for recreating the objects.
Display the complete column list for recreating the objects.
Display only the object names.

Note: For SQL-format output, the --display option is ignored.
To turn off the headers for csv or tab display format, specify the --no-headers option.
To turn off all feedback information, specify the --quiet option.
To write the data for individual tables to separate files, use the --file-per-table option. The name of each file is composed of the database and table names followed by the file format. For example, the following command produces files named db1.*table_name*.csv:
mysqldbexport --server=root@server1:3306 --format=csv db1 --export=data
By default, the operation uses a consistent snapshot to read the source databases. To change the locking mode, use the --locking option with a locking type value. Use a value of no-locks to turn off locking altogether or lock-all to use only table locks. The default value is snapshot. Additionally, the utility uses WRITE locks to lock the destination tables during the copy.
You can include replication statements for exporting data among a master and slave or between slaves. The --rpl option permits you to select from the following replication statements to include in the export.
Include the CHANGE MASTER statement to start a new slave with the current server acting as the master. This places the appropriate STOP and START slave statements in the export whereby the STOP SLAVE statement is placed at the start of the export and the CHANGE MASTER followed by the START SLAVE statements are placed after the export stream.
Include the CHANGE MASTER statement to start a new slave using the current server's master information. This places the appropriate STOP and START slave statements in the export whereby the STOP SLAVE statment is placed at the start of the export and the CHANGE MASTER followed by the START SLAVE statements are placed after the export stream.
Include both the 'master' and 'slave' information for CHANGE MASTER statements for either spawning a new slave with the current server's master or using the current server as the master. All statements generated are labeled and commented to enable the user to choose which to include when imported.

To include the replication user in the CHANGE MASTER statement, use the --rpl-user option to specify the user and password. If this option is omitted, the utility attempts to identify the replication user. In the event that there are multiple candidates or the user requires a password, these statements are placed inside comments for the CHANGE MASTER statement.
You can also use the --comment-rpl option to place the replication statements inside comments for later examination.
If you specify the --rpl-file option, the utility writes the replication statements to the file specified instead of including them in the export stream.


mysqldbexport accepts the following command-line options:
Display a help message and exit.

--bulk-insert, -b
Use bulk insert statements for data.

Place the replication statements in comment statements. Valid only with the --rpl option.

--display=<display>, -d<display>
Control the number of columns shown. Permitted display values are brief (minimal columns for object creation), full* (all columns), and **names (only object names; not valid for --format=sql). The default is brief.

--exclude=<exclude>, -x<exclude>
Exclude one or more objects from the operation using either a specific name such as db1.t1 or a search pattern. Use this option multiple times to specify multiple exclusions. By default, patterns use LIKE matching. With the --regexp option, patterns use REGEXP matching.
This option does not apply to grants.

--export=<export>, -e<export>
Specify the export format. Permitted format values are definitions = export only the definitions (metadata) for the objects in the database list, data = export only the table data for the tables in the database list, and both = export the definitions and the data. The default is definitions.

Write table data to separate files. This is Valid only if the export output includes data (that is, if --export=data or --export=both are given). This option produces files named db_name.*tbl_name*.*format*. For example, a csv export of two tables named t1 and t2 in database d1, results in files named db1.t1.csv and db1.t2.csv. If table definitions are included in the export, they are written to stdout as usual.

--format=<format>, -f<format>
Specify the output display format. Permitted format values are sql, grid, tab, csv, and vertical. The default is sql.

Choose the lock type for the operation. Permitted lock values are no-locks (do not use any table locks), lock-all (use table locks but no transaction and no consistent read), and snapshot (consistent read using a single transaction). The default is snapshot.

--no-headers, -h
Do not display column headers. This option applies only for csv and tab output.

--quiet, -q
Turn off all messages for quiet execution.

--regexp, --basic-regexp, -G
Perform pattern matches using the REGEXP operator. The default is to use LIKE for matching.

--rpl=<dump_option>, --replication=<dump_option>
Include replication information. Permitted values are master (include the CHANGE MASTER statement using the source server as the master), slave (include the CHANGE MASTER statement using the destination server's master information), and both (include the master and slave options where applicable).

--rpl-file=RPL_FILE, --replication-file=RPL_FILE
The path and file name where the generated replication information should be written. Valid only with the --rpl option.

The user and password for the replication user requirement; for example, rpl:passwd. The default is rpl:rpl.

Connection information for the server in < user>[:< passwd>]@<host>[:<port>][:< socket>] format.

Specify objects to skip in the operation as a comma-separated list (no spaces). Permitted values are CREATE_DB, DATA, EVENTS, FUNCTIONS, GRANTS, PROCEDURES, TABLES, TRIGGERS, and VIEWS.

Do not export BLOB data.

--verbose, -v
Specify how much information to display. Use this option multiple times to increase the amount of information. For example, -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug.

Display version information and exit.


You must provide connection parameters (user, host, password, and so forth) for an account that has the appropriate privileges to access all objects in the operation.
To export all objects from a source database, the user must have these privileges: SELECT and SHOW VIEW on the database as well as SELECT on the mysql database.
Actual privileges needed may differ from installation to installation depending on the security privileges present and whether the database contains certain objects such as views or events.
Some combinations of the options may result in errors when the export is imported later. For example, eliminating tables but not views may result in an error when a view is imported on another server.
For the --format, --export, and --display options, the permitted values are not case sensitive. In addition, values may be specified as any unambiguous prefix of a valid value. For example, --format=g specifies the grid format. An error occurs if a prefix matches more than one valid value.


To export the definitions of the database dev from a MySQL server on the local host via port 3306, producing output consisting of CREATE statements, use this command:
$ mysqldbexport --server=root:pass@localhost \
  --skip=GRANTS --export=DEFINITIONS util_test
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Exporting metadata from util_test
USE util_test;
# TABLE: util_test.t1
  `a` char(30) DEFAULT NULL
# TABLE: util_test.t2
  `a` char(30) DEFAULT NULL
# TABLE: util_test.t3
  `b` char(30) DEFAULT NULL,
# TABLE: util_test.t4
  `c` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `d` int(11) NOT NULL,
  KEY `ref_t3` (`c`),
  CONSTRAINT `ref_t3` FOREIGN KEY (`c`) REFERENCES `t3` (`a`)
# VIEW: util_test.v1
Similarly, to export the data of the database util_test, producing bulk insert statements, use this command:
$ mysqldbexport --server=root:pass@localhost \
  --export=DATA --bulk-insert util_test
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
USE util_test;
# Exporting data from util_test
# Data for table util_test.t1:
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES  ('01 Test Basic database example'),
  ('02 Test Basic database example'),
  ('03 Test Basic database example'),
  ('04 Test Basic database example'),
  ('05 Test Basic database example'),
  ('06 Test Basic database example'),
  ('07 Test Basic database example');
# Data for table util_test.t2:
INSERT INTO util_test.t2 VALUES  ('11 Test Basic database example'),
  ('12 Test Basic database example'),
  ('13 Test Basic database example');
# Data for table util_test.t3:
INSERT INTO util_test.t3 VALUES  (1, '14 test fkeys'),
  (2, '15 test fkeys'),
  (3, '16 test fkeys');
# Data for table util_test.t4:
INSERT INTO util_test.t4 VALUES  (3, 2);
If the database to be exported does not contain only InnoDB tables and you want to ensure data integrity of the exported data by locking the tables during the read step, add a --locking=lock-all option to the command:
$ mysqldbexport --server=root:pass@localhost \
  --export=DATA --bulk-insert util_test --locking=lock-all
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
USE util_test;
# Exporting data from util_test
# Data for table util_test.t1:
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES  ('01 Test Basic database example'),
  ('02 Test Basic database example'),
  ('03 Test Basic database example'),
  ('04 Test Basic database example'),
  ('05 Test Basic database example'),
  ('06 Test Basic database example'),
  ('07 Test Basic database example');
# Data for table util_test.t2:
INSERT INTO util_test.t2 VALUES  ('11 Test Basic database example'),
  ('12 Test Basic database example'),
  ('13 Test Basic database example');
# Data for table util_test.t3:
INSERT INTO util_test.t3 VALUES  (1, '14 test fkeys'),
  (2, '15 test fkeys'),
  (3, '16 test fkeys');
# Data for table util_test.t4:
INSERT INTO util_test.t4 VALUES  (3, 2);
To export a database and include the replication commands to use the current server as the master (for example, to start a new slave using the current server as the master), use the following command:
$ mysqldbexport --server=root@localhost:3311 util_test \
  --export=both --rpl-user=rpl:rpl --rpl=master -v
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Stopping slave
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Exporting metadata from util_test
USE util_test;
# TABLE: util_test.t1
  `a` char(30) DEFAULT NULL
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
USE util_test;
# Exporting data from util_test
# Data for table util_test.t1:
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('01 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('02 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('03 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('04 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('05 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('06 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('07 Test Basic database example');
# Connecting to the current server as master
  MASTER_USER = 'rpl',
  MASTER_PORT = 3311,
  MASTER_LOG_FILE = 'clone-bin.000001' ,
# Starting slave
Similarly, to export a database and include the replication commands to use the current server's master (for example, to start a new slave using the same the master), use the following command:
$ mysqldbexport --server=root@localhost:3311 util_test \
  --export=both --rpl-user=rpl:rpl --rpl=slave -v
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Stopping slave
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Exporting metadata from util_test
USE util_test;
# TABLE: util_test.t1
  `a` char(30) DEFAULT NULL
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
USE util_test;
# Exporting data from util_test
# Data for table util_test.t1:
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('01 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('02 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('03 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('04 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('05 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('06 Test Basic database example');
INSERT INTO util_test.t1 VALUES ('07 Test Basic database example');
# Connecting to the current server's master
  MASTER_USER = 'rpl',
  MASTER_PORT = 3310,
  MASTER_LOG_FILE = 'clone-bin.000001' ,
  MASTER_LOG_POS = 1739;
# Starting slave


Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


MySQL Utilities Team


2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
May 9, 2012 1.0.3