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mchartable_map(3m17n) The m17n Library mchartable_map(3m17n)


mchartable_map - Call a function for characters in a chartable.


int mchartable_map (MCharTable * table, void * ignore, void(*)(int, int, void *, void *) func, void * func_arg)


Call a function for characters in a chartable. The mchartable_map() function calls function func for characters in chartable table . No function call occurs for characters that have value ignore in table . Comparison of ignore and character value is done with the operator == . Be careful when you use string literals or pointers.
Instead of calling func for each character, mchartable_map() tries to optimize the number of function calls, i.e. it makes a single function call for a chunk of characters when those consecutive characters have the same value.
No matter how long the character chunk is, func is called with four arguments; from , to , val , and arg . from and to (both inclusive) defines the range of characters that have value val . arg is the same as func_arg .


This function always returns 0.


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Copyright (C) 2001-2011 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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12 Jan 2011 Version 1.6.2