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CoMarshalInterface(3w) Wine API CoMarshalInterface(3w)


CoMarshalInterface (OLE32.@)


HRESULT CoMarshalInterface
IStream* pStream,
REFIID riid,
IUnknown* pUnk,
DWORD dwDestContext,
void* pvDestContext,
DWORD mshlFlags


Marshals an interface into a stream so that the object can then be unmarshaled from another COM apartment and used remotely.


pStream [In] Stream the object will be marshaled into.
riid [In] Identifier of the interface to marshal.
pUnk [In] Pointer to the object to marshal.
dwDestContext [In] Destination. Used to enable or disable optimizations.
pvDestContext [In] Reserved. Must be NULL.
mshlFlags [In] Flags that affect the marshaling. See notes.


Success: S_OK.
Failure: HRESULT code.


The mshlFlags parameter can take one or more of the following flags:

MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL - Unmarshal once, releases stub on last proxy release.

MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG - Unmarshal many, release when CoReleaseMarshalData() called.

MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK - Unmarshal many, releases stub on last proxy release.

MSHLFLAGS_NOPING - No automatic garbage collection (and so reduces network traffic).
If a marshaled object is not unmarshaled, then CoReleaseMarshalData(3w) must be called in order to release the resources used in the marshaling.


CoUnmarshalInterface(), CoReleaseMarshalData(3w).


Declared in "objbase.h".
Implemented in "dlls/ole32/marshal.c".
Debug channel "ole".
Oct 2012 Wine API