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joystick_getnumaxes(3) Svgalib User Manual joystick_getnumaxes(3)


joystick_getnumaxes, joystick_getnumbuttons - query the capabilities of a joystick


#include <vgajoystick.h>
char joystick_getnumaxes(int joydev);
char joystick_getnumbuttons(int joydev);


queries the number of axes (number of continuous ranges which the joystick allows to choose from) and buttons. The old version 0.* joystick protocol reports 2 axes (x and y) and 4 buttons although the actual joystick will usually have less (often two) buttons.
svgalib supports up to 127 axes and buttons, provided the underlying device driver does it.


This function is only available in ELF versions of svgalib. Due to backwards compatibility issues it cannot be used with shared a.out libs.


svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), joytest(6), mjoytest(6), joystick_init(3), joystick_close(3), joystick_update(3), joystick_sethandler(3), joystick_setdefaulthandler(3), joystick_getaxis(3), joystick_getbutton(3), joystick_button1(3), joystick_getb1(3), joystick_x(3), joystick_getx(3).


The svgalib joystick handler was mostly done by Daniel Engstr\"om <>. Multiple joystick, VC switching support and code to glue it into svgalib by Michael Weller <>. Part of the code is based on code from C. Smith and Vojtech Pavlik.
14 April 1998 Svgalib 1.3.0