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Test::Mojo(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Test::Mojo(3pm)


Test::Mojo - Testing Mojo!


  use Test::More tests => 12;
  use Test::Mojo;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');
  $t->get_ok('/welcome')->status_is(200)->text_is('div#message' => 'Hello!');
  $t->post_form_ok('/search.json' => {q => 'Perl'})
    ->header_is('X-Powered-By' => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')
    ->header_isnt('X-Bender' => 'Bite my shiny metal ass!');
    ->json_is('/results/4/title' => 'Perl rocks!');
    ->message_is('echo: hello')


Test::Mojo is a collection of testing helpers for everyone developing Mojo and Mojolicious applications.


Test::Mojo implements the following attributes.


  my $tx = $t->tx;
  $t     = $t->tx(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);
Current transaction, usually a Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object.
  # More specific tests
  is $t->tx->res->json->{foo}, 'bar', 'right value';
  ok $t->tx->res->is_multipart, 'multipart content';
  # Test custom transaction
  my $tx = $t->ua->build_form_tx('/user/99' => {name => 'sri'});
    ->text_is('div#message' => 'User has been replaced.');


  my $ua = $t->ua;
  $t     = $t->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);
User agent used for testing, defaults to a Mojo::UserAgent object.
  # Allow redirects
  # Customize all transactions (including followed redirects)
  $t->ua->on(start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
  # Request with Basic authentication


Test::Mojo inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.


  my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new(MyApp->new);
Construct a new Test::Mojo object.


  my $app = $t->app;
  $t      = $t->app(MyApp->new);
Alias for "app" in Mojo::UserAgent.
  # Change log level
  # Test application directly
  is $t->app->defaults->{foo}, 'bar', 'right value';
  ok $t->app->routes->find('echo')->is_websocket, 'WebSocket route';
  # Change application behavior
  $t->app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->render(text => 'This request did not reach the router.')
      if $self->req->url->path->contains('/user');


  $t = $t->content_is('working!');
  $t = $t->content_is('working!', 'right content');
Check response content for exact match.


  $t = $t->content_isnt('working!');
  $t = $t->content_isnt('working!', 'different content');
Opposite of "content_is".


  $t = $t->content_like(qr/working!/);
  $t = $t->content_like(qr/working!/, 'right content');
Check response content for similar match.


  $t = $t->content_unlike(qr/working!/);
  $t = $t->content_unlike(qr/working!/, 'different content');
Opposite of "content_like".


  $t = $t->content_type_is('text/html');
Check response "Content-Type" header for exact match.


  $t = $t->content_type_isnt('text/html');
Opposite of "content_type_is".


  $t = $t->content_type_like(qr/text/);
  $t = $t->content_type_like(qr/text/, 'right content type');
Check response "Content-Type" header for similar match.


  $t = $t->content_type_unlike(qr/text/);
  $t = $t->content_type_unlike(qr/text/, 'different content type');
Opposite of "content_type_like".


  $t = $t->delete_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->delete_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "DELETE" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "delete" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->element_exists('[x=y]');
  $t = $t->element_exists('html head title', 'has a title');
Checks for existence of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element with Mojo::DOM.


  $t = $t->element_exists_not('[x=y]');
  $t = $t->element_exists_not('html head title', 'has no title');
Opposite of "element_exists".


  $t = $t->finish_ok;
  $t = $t->finish_ok('finished successfully');
Finish "WebSocket" connection.


  $t = $t->get_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->get_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "GET" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "get" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->head_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->head_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "HEAD" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "head" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->header_is(Expect => 'fun');
Check response header for exact match.


  $t = $t->header_isnt(Expect => 'fun');
Opposite of "header_is".


  $t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/);
  $t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/, 'right header');
Check response header for similar match.


  $t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/);
  $t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/, 'different header');
Opposite of "header_like".


  $t = $t->json_content_is([1, 2, 3]);
  $t = $t->json_content_is([1, 2, 3], 'right content');
  $t = $t->json_content_is({foo => 'bar', baz => 23}, 'right content');
Check response content for JSON data.


  $t = $t->json_is('/foo' => {bar => [1, 2, 3]});
  $t = $t->json_is('/foo/bar' => [1, 2, 3]);
  $t = $t->json_is('/foo/bar/1' => 2, 'right value');
Check the value extracted from JSON response using the given JSON Pointer with Mojo::JSON::Pointer.


  $t = $t->json_has('/foo');
  $t = $t->json_has('/minibar', 'has a minibar');
Check if JSON response contains a value that can be identified using the given JSON Pointer with Mojo::JSON::Pointer.


  $t = $t->json_hasnt('/foo');
  $t = $t->json_hasnt('/minibar', 'no minibar');
Opposite of "json_has".


  $t = $t->message_is('working!');
  $t = $t->message_is('working!', 'right message');
Check WebSocket message for exact match.


  $t = $t->message_isnt('working!');
  $t = $t->message_isnt('working!', 'different message');
Opposite of "message_is".


  $t = $t->message_like(qr/working!/);
  $t = $t->message_like(qr/working!/, 'right message');
Check WebSocket message for similar match.


  $t = $t->message_unlike(qr/working!/);
  $t = $t->message_unlike(qr/working!/, 'different message');
Opposite of "message_like".


  $t = $t->options_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->options_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "OPTIONS" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "options" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->patch_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->patch_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "PATCH" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "patch" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->post_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->post_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "POST" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "post" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->post_form_ok('/foo' => {a => 'b'});
  $t = $t->post_form_ok('/foo' => 'UTF-8' => {a => 'b'} => {DNT => 1});
Submit a "POST" form and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "post_form" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->put_ok('/foo');
  $t = $t->put_ok('/foo' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
Perform a "PUT" request and check for transport errors, takes the exact same arguments as "put" in Mojo::UserAgent.


  $t = $t->reset_session;
Reset user agent session.


  $t = $t->send_ok({binary => $bytes});
  $t = $t->send_ok({text   => $bytes});
  $t = $t->send_ok([$fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload]);
  $t = $t->send_ok('hello');
  $t = $t->send_ok('hello', 'sent successfully');
Send message or frame via WebSocket.


  $t = $t->status_is(200);
Check response status for exact match.


  $t = $t->status_isnt(200);
Opposite of "status_is".


  $t = $t->text_is('[x=y]' => 'Hello!');
  $t = $t->text_is('html head title' => 'Hello!', 'right title');
Checks text content of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element for exact match with Mojo::DOM.


  $t = $t->text_isnt('[x=y]' => 'Hello!');
  $t = $t->text_isnt('html head title' => 'Hello!', 'different title');
Opposite of "text_is".


  $t = $t->text_like('[x=y]' => qr/Hello/);
  $t = $t->text_like('html head title' => qr/Hello/, 'right title');
Checks text content of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element for similar match with Mojo::DOM.


  $t = $t->text_unlike('[x=y]' => qr/Hello/);
  $t = $t->text_unlike('html head title' => qr/Hello/, 'different title');
Opposite of "text_like".


  $t = $t->websocket_ok('/echo');
  $t = $t->websocket_ok('/echo' => {DNT => 1});
Open a "WebSocket" connection with transparent handshake, takes the exact same arguments as "websocket" in Mojo::UserAgent.


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.
2012-09-05 perl v5.14.2