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Mojo::Message(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mojo::Message(3pm)


Mojo::Message - HTTP 1.1 message base class


  use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Message';


Mojo::Message is an abstract base class for HTTP 1.1 messages as described in RFC 2616 and RFC 2388.


Mojo::Message can emit the following events.


  $message->on(finish => sub {
    my $message = shift;
Emitted after message building or parsing is finished.
  my $before = time;
  $message->on(finish => sub {
    my $message = shift;
    $message->headers->header('X-Parser-Time' => time - $before);


  $message->on(progress => sub {
    my $message = shift;
Emitted when message building or parsing makes progress.
  # Building
  $message->on(progress => sub {
    my ($message, $state, $offset) = @_;
    say qq{Building "$state" at offset $offset};
  # Parsing
  $message->on(progress => sub {
    my $message = shift;
    return unless my $len = $message->headers->content_length;
    my $size = $message->content->progress;
    say 'Progress: ', $size == $len ? 100 : int($size / ($len / 100)), '%';


Mojo::Message implements the following attributes.


  my $message = $message->content;
  $message    = $message->content(Mojo::Content::Single->new);
Content container, defaults to a Mojo::Content::Single object.


  my $charset = $message->default_charset;
  $message    = $message->default_charset('UTF-8');
Default charset used for form data parsing, defaults to "UTF-8".


  my $class = $message->dom_class;
  $message  = $message->dom_class('Mojo::DOM');
Class to be used for DOM manipulation with the "dom" method, defaults to Mojo::DOM.


  my $class = $message->json_class;
  $message  = $message->json_class('Mojo::JSON');
Class to be used for JSON deserialization with the "json" method, defaults to Mojo::JSON.


  my $size = $message->max_message_size;
  $message = $message->max_message_size(1024);
Maximum message size in bytes, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE" environment variable or 5242880. Note that increasing this value can also drastically increase memory usage, should you for example attempt to parse an excessively large message body with the "body_params", "dom" or "json" methods.


  my $version = $message->version;
  $message    = $message->version('1.1');
HTTP version of message.


Mojo::Message inherits all methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones.


  my $success = $message->at_least_version('1.1');
Check if message is at least a specific version.


  my $string = $message->body;
  $message   = $message->body('Hello!');
  my $cb     = $message->body(sub {...});
Access "content" data or replace all subscribers of the "read" event.
  $message->body(sub {
    my ($message, $chunk) = @_;
    say "Streaming: $chunk";


  my $p = $message->body_params;
"POST" parameters extracted from "x-application-urlencoded", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" message body, usually a Mojo::Parameters object. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received.
  say $message->body_params->param('foo');


  my $size = $message->body_size;
Alias for "body_size" in Mojo::Content.


  my $string = $message->build_body;
Render whole body.


  my $string = $message->build_headers;
Render all headers.


  my $string = $message->build_start_line;
Render start line.


  my $cookie  = $message->cookie('foo');
  my @cookies = $message->cookie('foo');
Access message cookies, usually Mojo::Cookie::Request or Mojo::Cookie::Response objects. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before all headers have been received.
  say $message->cookie('foo')->value;


  my $cookies = $message->cookies;
Access message cookies, meant to be overloaded in a subclass.


  my $dom        = $message->dom;
  my $collection = $message->dom('a[href]');
Turns message body into a Mojo::DOM object and takes an optional selector to perform a "find" on it right away, which returns a collection.
  # Perform "find" right away
  $message->dom('h1, h2, h3')->each(sub { say $_->text });
  # Use everything else Mojo::DOM has to offer
  say $message->dom->at('title')->text;
  $message->dom->html->body->children->each(sub { say $_->type });


  my $message          = $message->error;
  my ($message, $code) = $message->error;
  $message             = $message->error('Parser error.');
  $message             = $message->error('Parser error.', 500);
Parser errors and codes.


  $message = $message->fix_headers;
Make sure message has all required headers for the current HTTP version.


  my $string = $message->get_body_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of body data starting from a specific position.


  my $string = $message->get_header_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of header data, starting from a specific position.


  my $string = $message->get_start_line_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of start line data starting from a specific position.


  my $success = $message->has_leftovers;
Alias for "has_leftovers" in Mojo::Content.


  my $size = $message->header_size;
Size of headers in bytes.


  my $headers = $message->headers;
Alias for "headers" in Mojo::Content.
  say $message->headers->content_type;


  my $success = $message->is_chunked;
Alias for "is_chunked" in Mojo::Content.


  my $success = $message->is_dynamic;
Alias for "is_dynamic" in Mojo::Content.


  my $success = $message->is_finished;
Check if parser is finished.


  my $success = $message->is_limit_exceeded;
Check if message has exceeded "max_line_size" or "max_message_size".


  my $success = $message->is_multipart;
Alias for "is_multipart" in Mojo::Content.


  my $hash  = $message->json;
  my $array = $message->json;
  my $value = $message->json('/foo/bar');
Decode JSON message body directly using Mojo::JSON if possible, returns "undef" otherwise. An optional JSON Pointer can be used to extract a specific value with Mojo::JSON::Pointer.
  say $message->json->{foo}{bar}[23];
  say $message->json('/foo/bar/23');


  my $bytes = $message->leftovers;
Alias for "leftovers" in Mojo::Content.


Alias for "max_line_size" in Mojo::Headers.


  my @names = $message->param;
  my $foo   = $message->param('foo');
  my @foo   = $message->param('foo');
Access "POST" parameters. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received.


  $message = $message->parse('HTTP/1.1 200 OK...');
Parse message chunk.


  $message = $message->parse_until_body('HTTP/1.1 200 OK...');
Parse message chunk until the body is reached.


  my $size = $message->start_line_size;
Size of the start line in bytes.


  my $string = $message->to_string;
Render whole message.


  my $upload  = $message->upload('foo');
  my @uploads = $message->upload('foo');
Access "multipart/form-data" file uploads, usually Mojo::Upload objects. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received.
  say $message->upload('foo')->asset->slurp;


  my $uploads = $message->uploads;
All "multipart/form-data" file uploads, usually Mojo::Upload objects.
  say $message->uploads->[2]->filename;


  $message->write('Hello!', sub {...});
Alias for "write" in Mojo::Content.


  $message->write_chunk('Hello!', sub {...});
Alias for "write_headers" in Mojo::Content.


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.
2012-09-05 perl v5.14.2