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Mojo::Content(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mojo::Content(3pm)


Mojo::Content - HTTP 1.1 content base class


  use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Content';


Mojo::Content is an abstract base class for HTTP 1.1 content as described in RFC 2616.


Mojo::Content can emit the following events.


  $content->on(drain => sub {
    my ($content, $offset) = @_;
Emitted once all data has been written.
  $content->on(drain => sub {
    my $content = shift;


  $content->on(body => sub {
    my $content = shift;
Emitted once all headers have been parsed and the body starts.
  $content->on(body => sub {
    my $content = shift;
    $content->auto_upgrade(0) if $content->headers->header('X-No-MultiPart');


  $content->on(read => sub {
    my ($content, $chunk) = @_;
Emitted when a new chunk of content arrives.
  $content->on(read => sub {
    my ($content, $chunk) = @_;
    say "Streaming: $chunk";


Mojo::Content implements the following attributes.


  my $relax = $content->auto_relax;
  $content  = $content->auto_relax(1);
Try to detect broken web servers and turn on relaxed parsing automatically.


  my $headers = $content->headers;
  $content    = $content->headers(Mojo::Headers->new);
Content headers, defaults to a Mojo::Headers object.


  my $size = $content->max_leftover_size;
  $content = $content->max_leftover_size(1024);
Maximum size in bytes of buffer for pipelined HTTP requests, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_LEFTOVER_SIZE" environment variable or 262144.


  my $relaxed = $content->relaxed;
  $content    = $content->relaxed(1);
Activate relaxed parsing for HTTP 0.9 and responses that are terminated with a connection close.


Mojo::Content inherits all methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones.


  my $success = $content->body_contains('foo bar baz');
Check if content contains a specific string. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.


  my $size = $content->body_size;
Content size in bytes. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.


  my $boundary = $content->boundary;
Extract multipart boundary from "Content-Type" header.


  my $string = $content->build_body;
Render whole body.


  my $string = $content->build_headers;
Render all headers.


  my $charset = $content->charset;
Extract charset from "Content-Type" header.


  my $clone = $content->clone;
Clone content if possible, otherwise return "undef".


  my $chunk = $content->generate_body_chunk(0);
Generate dynamic content.


  my $chunk = $content->get_body_chunk(0);
Get a chunk of content starting from a specfic position. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.


  my $chunk = $content->get_header_chunk(13);
Get a chunk of the headers starting from a specfic position.


  my $success = $content->has_leftovers;
Check if there are leftovers.


  my $size = $content->header_size;
Size of headers in bytes.


  my $success = $content->is_chunked;
Check if content is chunked.


  my $success = $content->is_dynamic;
Check if content will be dynamically generated, which prevents "clone" from working.


  my $success = $content->is_finished;
Check if parser is finished.


  my $false = $content->is_multipart;


  my $success = $content->is_parsing_body;
Check if body parsing started yet.


  my $bytes = $content->leftovers;
Get leftover data from content parser.


  $content = $content->parse("Content-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World!");
Parse content chunk.


  $content = $content->parse_body("Hi!");
Parse body chunk.


  $content = $content->parse_body_once("Hi!");
Parse body chunk once.


    = $content->parse_until_body("Content-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World!");
Parse chunk and stop after headers.


  my $size = $content->progress;
Size of content already received from message in bytes.


  $content->write('Hello!', sub {...});
Write dynamic content non-blocking, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written.


  $content->write_chunk('Hello!', sub {...});
Write dynamic content non-blocking with "chunked" transfer encoding, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written.


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.
2012-09-05 perl v5.14.2