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Math::Vector::Real::kdTree(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Math::Vector::Real::kdTree(3pm)


Math::Vector::Real::kdTree - kd-Tree implementation on top of Math::Vector::Real


  use Math::Vector::Real::kdTree;
  use Math::Vector::Real;
  use Math::Vector::Real::Random;
  my @v = map Math::Vector::Real->random_normal(4), 1..1000;
  my $tree = Math::Vector::Real::kdTree->new(@v);
  my $ix = $tree->find_nearest_neighbor(V(0, 0, 0, 0));
  say "nearest neighbor is $ix, $v[$ix]";


This module implements a kd-Tree data structure in Perl and some related algorithms.
The following methods are provided:
$t = Math::Vector::Real::kdTree->new(@points)
Creates a new kdTree containing the gived points.
Inserts the given point into the kdTree.
$s = $t->size
Returns the number of points inside the tree.
$p = $t->at($ix)
Returns the point at the given index inside the tree.
$t->move($ix, $p)
Moves the point at index $ix to the new given position readjusting the tree structure accordingly.
($ix, $d) = $t->find_nearest_neighbor($p, $max_d, $but_ix)
Find the nearest neighbor for the given point $p and returns its index and the distance between the two points (in scalar context the index is returned).
If $max_d is defined, the search is limited to the points within that distance
If $but_ix is defined, the point with the given index is not considered.
@ix = $t->find_nearest_neighbor_all_internal
Returns the index of the nearest neighbor for every point inside the tree.
It is equivalent to (though, internally, it uses a better algorithm):
  @ix = map {
            scalar $t->nearest_neighbor($t->at($_), undef, $_)
        } 0..($t->size - 1);
@ix = $t->find_in_ball($z, $d, $but)
$n = $t->find_in_ball($z, $d, $but)
Finds the points inside the tree contained in the hypersphere with center $z and radius $d.
In scalar context returns the number of points found. In list context returns the indexes of the points.
If the extra argument $but is provided. The point with that index is ignored.
@ix = $t->ordered_by_proximity
Returns the indexes of the points in an ordered where is likely that the indexes of near vectors are also in near positions in the list.



Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 by Salvador FandiA~Xo <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
2012-06-18 perl v5.14.2