Scroll to navigation

Gtk2::IconView(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Gtk2::IconView(3pm)


Gtk2::IconView - wrapper for GtkIconView






widget = Gtk2::IconView->new

widget = Gtk2::IconView->new_with_model ($model)

$model (Gtk2::TreeModel)

integer = $icon_view->get_column_spacing

$icon_view->set_column_spacing ($column_spacing)

$column_spacing (integer)

integer = $icon_view->get_columns

$icon_view->set_columns ($columns)

$columns (integer)

(bx, by) = $icon_view->convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords ($wx, $wy)

$wx (integer)
$wy (integer)
Since: gtk+ 2.12

pixmap = $icon_view->create_drag_icon ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

list = $icon_view->get_cursor

Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->set_cursor ($path, $cell, $start_editing)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
$cell (Gtk2::CellRenderer or undef)
$start_editing (boolean)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->get_dest_item_at_pos ($drag_x, $drag_y)

$drag_x (integer)
$drag_y (integer)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

list = $icon_view->get_drag_dest_item

Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->set_drag_dest_item ($path, $pos)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
$pos (Gtk2::IconView::DropPosition)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->enable_model_drag_dest ($actions, ...)

$actions (Gtk2::Gdk::DragAction)
... (list) of Gtk2::TargetEntry's
Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->enable_model_drag_source ($start_button_mask, $actions, ...)

$start_button_mask (Gtk2::Gdk::ModifierType)
$actions (Gtk2::Gdk::DragAction)
... (list) of Gtk2::TargetEntry's
Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->item_activated ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)

$icon_view->get_item_at_pos ($x, $y)

$x (integer)
$y (integer)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

integer = $icon_view->get_item_column ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
Since: gtk+ 2.22

orientation = $icon_view->get_item_orientation

Since: gtk+ 2.22

$icon_view->set_item_orientation ($orientation)

$orientation (Gtk2::Orientation)
Since: gtk+ 2.22

integer = $icon_view->get_item_padding

Since: gtk+ 2.18

$icon_view->set_item_padding ($item_padding)

$item_padding (integer)
Since: gtk+ 2.18

integer = $icon_view->get_item_row ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
Since: gtk+ 2.22

integer = $icon_view->get_item_width

$icon_view->set_item_width ($item_width)

$item_width (integer)

integer = $icon_view->get_margin

$icon_view->set_margin ($margin)

$margin (integer)

integer = $icon_view->get_markup_column

$icon_view->set_markup_column ($column)

$column (integer)

treemodel = $icon_view->get_model

$icon_view->set_model ($model)

$model (Gtk2::TreeModel)

orientation = $icon_view->get_orientation

$icon_view->set_orientation ($orientation)

$orientation (Gtk2::Orientation)

treepath = $icon_view->get_path_at_pos ($x, $y)

$x (integer)
$y (integer)

boolean = $icon_view->path_is_selected ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)

integer = $icon_view->get_pixbuf_column

$icon_view->set_pixbuf_column ($column)

$column (integer)

boolean = $icon_view->get_reorderable

Since: gtk+ 2.8

$icon_view->set_reorderable ($reorderable)

$reorderable (boolean)
Since: gtk+ 2.8

integer = $icon_view->get_row_spacing

$icon_view->set_row_spacing ($row_spacing)

$row_spacing (integer)

$icon_view->scroll_to_path ($path, $use_align=FALSE, $row_align=0.0, $col_align=0.0)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
$use_align (boolean)
$row_align (double)
$col_align (double)
Since: gtk+ 2.8


$icon_view->select_path ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)

$icon_view->selected_foreach ($func, $data=undef)

$func (scalar)
$data (scalar)

list = $icon_view->get_selected_items

selectionmode = $icon_view->get_selection_mode

$icon_view->set_selection_mode ($mode)

$mode (Gtk2::SelectionMode)

integer = $icon_view->get_spacing

$icon_view->set_spacing ($spacing)

$spacing (integer)

integer = $icon_view->get_text_column

$icon_view->set_text_column ($column)

$column (integer)

$icon_view->set_tooltip_cell ($tooltip, $path, $cell)

$tooltip (Gtk2::Tooltip)
$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
$cell (Gtk2::CellRenderer)
Since: gtk+ 2.12

integer = $icon_view->get_tooltip_column

Since: gtk+ 2.12

$icon_view->set_tooltip_column ($column)

$column (integer)
Since: gtk+ 2.12

list = $icon_view->get_tooltip_context ($x, $y, $keyboard_tip)

$x (integer)
$y (integer)
$keyboard_tip (boolean)
Since: gtk+ 2.12

$icon_view->set_tooltip_item ($tooltip, $path)

$tooltip (Gtk2::Tooltip)
$path (Gtk2::TreePath)
Since: gtk+ 2.12


$icon_view->unselect_path ($path)

$path (Gtk2::TreePath)


Since: gtk+ 2.8


Since: gtk+ 2.8

list = $icon_view->get_visible_range

Since: gtk+ 2.8


'column-spacing' (integer : default 6 : readable / writable / private)
Space which is inserted between grid columns
'columns' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
Number of columns to display
'item-orientation' (Gtk2::Orientation : default "vertical" : readable / writable / private)
How the text and icon of each item are positioned relative to each other
'item-padding' (integer : default 6 : readable / writable / private)
Padding around icon view items
'item-width' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
The width used for each item
'margin' (integer : default 6 : readable / writable / private)
Space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view
'markup-column' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
Model column used to retrieve the text if using Pango markup
'model' (Gtk2::TreeModel : default undef : readable / writable / private)
The model for the icon view
'orientation' (Gtk2::Orientation : default "vertical" : readable / writable / private)
How the text and icon of each item are positioned relative to each other
'pixbuf-column' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
Model column used to retrieve the icon pixbuf from
'reorderable' (boolean : default false : readable / writable)
View is reorderable
'row-spacing' (integer : default 6 : readable / writable / private)
Space which is inserted between grid rows
'selection-mode' (Gtk2::SelectionMode : default "single" : readable / writable / private)
The selection mode
'spacing' (integer : default 0 : readable / writable / private)
Space which is inserted between cells of an item
'text-column' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
Model column used to retrieve the text from
'tooltip-column' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private)
The column in the model containing the tooltip texts for the items


'selection-box-alpha' (Glib::UChar : default 64 : readable / private)
Opacity of the selection box
'selection-box-color' (Gtk2::Gdk::Color : default undef : readable / private)
Color of the selection box


set-scroll-adjustments (Gtk2::IconView, Gtk2::Adjustment, Gtk2::Adjustment)
item-activated (Gtk2::IconView, Gtk2::TreePath)
selection-changed (Gtk2::IconView)
select-all (Gtk2::IconView)
unselect-all (Gtk2::IconView)
select-cursor-item (Gtk2::IconView)
toggle-cursor-item (Gtk2::IconView)
boolean = activate-cursor-item (Gtk2::IconView)
boolean = move-cursor (Gtk2::IconView, Gtk2::MovementStep, integer)


flags Gtk2::Gdk::DragAction

'default' / 'GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT'
'copy' / 'GDK_ACTION_COPY'
'move' / 'GDK_ACTION_MOVE'
'link' / 'GDK_ACTION_LINK'
'private' / 'GDK_ACTION_PRIVATE'
'ask' / 'GDK_ACTION_ASK'

flags Gtk2::Gdk::ModifierType

'shift-mask' / 'GDK_SHIFT_MASK'
'lock-mask' / 'GDK_LOCK_MASK'
'control-mask' / 'GDK_CONTROL_MASK'
'mod1-mask' / 'GDK_MOD1_MASK'
'mod2-mask' / 'GDK_MOD2_MASK'
'mod3-mask' / 'GDK_MOD3_MASK'
'mod4-mask' / 'GDK_MOD4_MASK'
'mod5-mask' / 'GDK_MOD5_MASK'
'button1-mask' / 'GDK_BUTTON1_MASK'
'button2-mask' / 'GDK_BUTTON2_MASK'
'button3-mask' / 'GDK_BUTTON3_MASK'
'button4-mask' / 'GDK_BUTTON4_MASK'
'button5-mask' / 'GDK_BUTTON5_MASK'
'super-mask' / 'GDK_SUPER_MASK'
'hyper-mask' / 'GDK_HYPER_MASK'
'meta-mask' / 'GDK_META_MASK'
'release-mask' / 'GDK_RELEASE_MASK'
'modifier-mask' / 'GDK_MODIFIER_MASK'

enum Gtk2::IconView::DropPosition

'no-drop' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_NO_DROP'
'drop-into' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_INTO'
'drop-left' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_LEFT'
'drop-right' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_RIGHT'
'drop-above' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_ABOVE'
'drop-below' / 'GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_BELOW'

enum Gtk2::MovementStep

'logical-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_LOGICAL_POSITIONS'
'visual-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS'
'display-lines' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES'
'display-line-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS'
'paragraph-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPH_ENDS'
'buffer-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS'
'horizontal-pages' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_HORIZONTAL_PAGES'

enum Gtk2::Orientation


enum Gtk2::SelectionMode



Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::InitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::Widget, Gtk2::Container


Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.
This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.
2015-02-24 perl v5.14.2