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Eliom_content(3o) Eliom_content(3o)


Eliom_content - This module provides the creation of valid XML content, i.e.


Module Eliom_content


Module Eliom_content
: sig end
This module provides the creation of valid XML content, i.e. XML, XHTML, SVG, and (X)HTML5. XML tree manipulation within Eliom is based on the TyXML library but use a custom representation for XML values (see Eliom_content.Xml ). Then, Eliom_content redefines the three high level interfaces ( Eliom_content.Svg , Eliom_content.Html5 and Eliom_content.Xhtml ) that are provided by TyXML for valid XML tree creation and printing.
Modules Eliom_content.Html5 , Eliom_content.Svg contain two implementing sub-modules: F and D .
Functional semantics
The F modules provide functions to create elements with functional semantics: On the one hand side, those values do not have an identity, which means utilizations of those values are independent of each other. On the other hand side, they cannot be referred to, neither by client code when created on the server, nor for usage in the functions of Eliom_content.Html5.To_dom and Eliom_content.Html5.Manip .
DOM semantics
The D modules provide functions to create elements with DOM semantics: Firstly, they behave like DOM nodes, e.g. they can only be added once to the DOM tree even when appended several times. Secondly, those values have an identity, which means they can be referred to on the client side (by %variable ) or used with the functions Eliom_content.Html5.To_dom and Eliom_content.Html5.Manip .
In case of doubt, use the modules with DOM-like semantics D .
module type Forms = sig end
Abstract signature for links and forms creation functions. For concrete instance see Eliom_content.Html5 , Eliom_content.Xhtml or Eliom_content.Html_text .
module Xml : sig end
Low-level XML manipulation.
module Svg : sig end
Building and pretty-printing valid SVG tree.
module Html5 : sig end
Building and printing valid (X)HTML5 tree.
module Xhtml : sig end
Building valid XHTML.
module Html_text : sig end
2012-06-11 OCamldoc