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Eliom_content.Html5(3o) Eliom_content.Html5(3o)


Eliom_content.Html5 - Building and printing valid (X)HTML5 tree.


Module Eliom_content.Html5


Module Html5
: sig end
Building and printing valid (X)HTML5 tree.
type 'a elt = 'a Eliom_content_core.Html5.elt
See the Eliom manual for more information on for HTML5 tree manipulated by client/server application.
type 'a attrib = 'a Eliom_content_core.Html5.attrib
type uri = Eliom_content_core.Html5.uri
module F : sig end
Creation of functional HTML5 content (copy-able but not referable, cf. Eliom_content ).
module D : sig end
Creation of HTML5 content with DOM semantics (referable, cf. Eliom_content ).
module Id : sig end
Node identifiers
module Printer : sig end
2012-06-11 OCamldoc