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ewfinfo LOCAL ewfinfo


ewfinfoshow meta data stored in EWF files


ewfinfo [-A codepage] [-d date_format] [-ehimvV] ewf_files


ewfinfo is a utility to show meta data stored in EWF files.
ewfinfo is part of the libewf package. libewf is a library to support the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). libewf supports both the SMART format (EWF-S01) and the EnCase format (EWF-E01). libewf currently does not support the Logical Volume format (EWF-L01). EWF-X is an expirimental format intended for testing purposes to enhance the EWF format. libewf allows you to read and write media data in the EWF format.
ewf_files the first or the entire set of EWF segment files
The options are as follows:
-A codepage
the codepage of header section, options: ascii (default), windows-874, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257, windows-1258
-d date_format
the date format, options: ctime (default), dm (day/month), md (month/day), iso8601
only show EWF read error information
shows this help
only show EWF acquiry information
only show EWF media information
verbose output to stderr
print version






# ewfinfo -d dm floppy.E01 
ewfinfo 20090427 (libewf 20090427, libuna 20090427, libbfio 20090426, zlib 1.2.3, libcrypto 0.9.8g, libuuid) 
Acquiry information 
        Case number:            1 
        Description:            Floppy 
        Examiner name:          John D. 
        Evidence number:        1.1 
        Notes:                  Just a floppy in my system 
        Acquiry date:           09/12/2006 10:00:12 
        System date:            09/12/2006 10:00:12 
        Operating system used:  Linux 
        Software version used:  20061209 
        Password:               N/A 
EWF information 
	File format:		EnCase 5 
	Sectors per chunk:	64 
	Error granularity:	64 
	Compression type:	no compression 
	GUID:			869910fc-e143-4908-9328-afedf4a7be1e 
Media information 
        Media type:             removable disk 
        Is physical:		no 
        Bytes per sector:       512 
        Amount of sectors:      2880 
        Media size:             1.4 MiB (1474560 bytes) 
Digest hash information 
        MD5:                    ae1ce8f5ac079d3ee93f97fe3792bda3 


Errors, verbose and debug output are printed to stderr when verbose output -v is enabled. Verbose and debug output are only printed when enabled at compilation.


Please report bugs of any kind to <> or on the project website:


These man pages were written by Kees Mastwijk.
Alterations for distribution have been made by Joachim Metz.


Copyright 2006-2009 Kees Mastwijk, Hoffmann Investigations <> and contributors.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


ewfacquire(1), ewfacquirestream(1), ewfexport(1), ewfverify(1)
October 17, 2009 libewf