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DEUTEX(6) Games Manual DEUTEX(6)


deutex, deusf - do things with wad files


deutex -?|-h|-help|--help
deutex --version
deutex -man
deutex [options] -add incomplete.wad out.wad
deutex [options] -af flats.wad
deutex [options] -append incomplete.wad
deutex [options] -as sprite.wad
deutex [options] -check in.wad
deutex [options] -debug [in.gif]
deutex [options] -get entry [in.wad]
deutex [options] -join incomplete.wad in.wad
deutex [options] -make [ dirctivs.txt] out.wad
deutex [options] -merge in.wad
deutex [options] -pkgfx [in.wad [out.txt]]
deutex [options] -pknormal [in.wad [out.txt]]
deutex [options] -restor
deutex [options] -usedidx [in.wad]
deutex [options] -usedtex [in.wad]
deutex [options] -unused in.wad
deutex [options] -wadir [in.wad]
deutex [options] -xtract in.wad [dirctivs.txt]
deusf -?|-h|-help|--help
deusf --version
deusf options


DeuTex is a wad composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife. It can be used to extract the lumps of a wad and save them as individual files or the reverse, and much more.
When extracting a lump to a file, it does not just copy the raw data, it converts it to an appropriate format (such as PPM for graphics, Sun audio for samples, etc.). Conversely, when it reads files for inclusion in pwads, it does the necessary conversions (for example, from PPM to Doom picture format).
DeuSF is a trimmed version of DeuTex that is used to merge sprites and flats from a pwad into an iwad, which is sometimes necessary because Doom and its breed do not handle sprites in pwads well.
See docsrc/dtexman6.txt for more information on DeuTex and DeuSF.

Decomposing a wad

To decompose a wad (i.e. extract its contents), use the -extract (a.k.a. -xtract) command. When decomposing a wad, DeuTex creates one file for each lump. The files are created in one of the following subdirectories of the working directory: flats/, lumps/, musics/, patches/, sounds/, sprites/, textures/. The decomposing process also creates a very important file, wadinfo.txt, which will be used later when composing.
To extract the contents of the Doom II iwad,
	 deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -xtract
To extract the contents of a Doom II pwad named mywad.wad,
	 deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -xtract mywad.wad
To extract only the sprites,
	 deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -sprites -xtract
To extract only the sounds and save them as .voc,
	 deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -sounds -voc -xtract

Composing (building) a wad

Composing is the symmetrical process. It's done with the three commands -build, -create and -make, that are equivalent. Using wadinfo.txt and the files in flats/, lumps/, musics/, patches/, sounds/, sprites/ and textures/, DeuTex creates a new wad.
To create a new pwad named mywad.wad,
deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -make mywad.wad

To create a new iwad named mytc.wad,
deutex -doom2 /path/to/doom2.wad -iwad -make mytc.wad

Other operations

DeuTex has many (too many ?) other commands like -join, -merge, -usedtex etc. See docsrc/dtexman6.txt for a full description.


Same as --help.
Same as --help.
Same as --help.
Print list of options.
Print list of options in troff -man format.
Print the syntax of wad creation directives.
-unused in.wad
Find unused spaces in a wad.
Print version number and exit successfully.
-add in.wad out.wad
Copy sp & fl of iwad and in.wad to out.wad.
-af flats.wad
Append all floors/ceilings to the wad.
-append io.wad
Add sprites & flats of iwad to io.wad.
-as sprite.wad
Append all sprites to the wad.
-build [in.txt] out.wad
Make a pwad.
-check in.wad
Check the textures.
-create [in.txt] out.wad
Same as -build.
-debug [file]
Debug colour conversion.
-extract [in.wad [out.txt]]
Same as -xtract.
-get entry [in.wad]
Get a wad entry from main wad or in.wad.
-join incomplete.wad in.wad
Append sprites & flats of Doom to a pwad.
-make [in.txt] out.wad
Same as -build.
-merge in.wad
Merge doom.wad and a pwad.
-pkgfx [in.wad [out.txt]]
Detect identical graphics.
-pknormal [in.wad [out.txt]]
Detect identical normal.
Restore doom.wad and the pwad.
-test in.wad
Same as -check.
-usedidx [in.wad]
Colour index usage statistics.
-usedtex [in.wad]
List textures used in all levels.
-wadir [in.wad]
List and identify entries in a wad.
-xtract [in.wad [out.txt]]
Extract some/all entries from a wad.

General options

Overwrite all.
-dir dir
Extraction directory (default .).


-doom dir
Path to Doom iwad.
-doom2 dir
Path to Doom II iwad.
-doom02 dir
Path to Doom alpha 0.2 iwad.
-doom04 dir
Path to Doom alpha 0.4 iwad.
-doom05 dir
Path to Doom alpha 0.5 iwad.
-doompr dir
Path to Doom PR pre-beta iwad.
-heretic dir
Path to Heretic iwad.
-hexen dir
Path to Hexen iwad.
-strife dir
Path to Strife iwad.
-strife10 dir
Path to Strife 1.0 iwad.

Wad options

Assume all wads are big endian (default LE).
Add 64k of junk for DEU 5.21 compatibility.
Same as -s_end.
Input wads are big endian (default LE).
Input wads are little endian (default).
-ipf code
Picture format (alpha, *normal, pr, rott).
-itf code
Input texture format (nameless, none, *normal, strife11).
-itl code
Texture lump (none, *normal, textures).
Compose iwad, not pwad.
Assume all wads are little endian (default).
Use old music identification method.
Create big endian wads (default LE).
Create little endian wads (default).
-otf code
Output texture format (nameless, none, *normal, strife11).
Use S_END for sprites, not SS_END.
-tf code
Texture format (nameless, none, *normal, strife11).

Lump selection

Select flats.
Select graphics.
Select levels.
Select lumps.
Select musics.
Select patches.
Select Strife scripts.
Select sneas (sneaps and sneats).
Select sneaps.
Select sneats.
Select sounds.
Select sprites.
Select textures.


Save pictures as BMP (.bmp).
Save pictures as GIF (.gif).
Save pictures as rawbits PPM (P6, .ppm).
-rgb r g b
Specify the transparent colour (default 0 47 47).


Save sounds as Sun audio (.au).
Save sounds beyond declared length.
-rate code
Policy for != 11025 Hz (reject, force, *warn, accept).
Save sounds as voc (.voc).
Save sounds as WAVE (.wav).


-di name
Debug identification of entry.
-log file
Name of log file (default deutex.log).
Set verbosity level to 0.
Set verbosity level to 1.
Set verbosity level to 2 (default).
Set verbosity level to 3.
Set verbosity level to 4.
Set verbosity level to 5.
-win doom data info select colour
WinTex shortcut.
-wim doom select
WinTex shortcut.
-wtx iwad
WinTex shortcut.


All messages are identified by a unique code. Some messages are identical ; the code is useful to distinguish them. All codes have four characters ; two letters and two digits. The letters identify the part of the code where the message comes from, the digits give the message number within that area. In general, numbers are assigned so that messages that come from parts of the code that are executed earlier have lower numbers.


When extracting, flats are saved to this directory. When composing, flats are read from this directory.
When extracting, graphics are saved to this directory. When composing, graphics are read from this directory.
When extracting, levels are saved to this directory. When composing, levels are read from this directory.
When extracting, lumps are saved to this directory. When composing, lumps are read from this directory.
When extracting, musics are saved to this directory. When composing, musics are read from this directory.
When extracting, patches are saved to this directory. When composing, patches are read from this directory.
When extracting, Strife scripts are saved to this directory. When composing, Strife scripts are read from this directory.
When extracting, Doom alpha sneaps are saved to this directory. When composing, Doom alpha sneaps are read from this directory.
When extracting, Doom alpha sneats are saved to this directory. When composing, Doom alpha sneats are read from this directory.
When extracting, sounds are saved to this directory. When composing, sounds are read from this directory.
When extracting, sprites are saved to this directory. When composing, sprites are read from this directory.
The TEXTURE1 lump (all but Doom alpha 0.4 and 0.5).
The TEXTURE2 lump (all commercial iwads except Doom 2).
The TEXTURES lump (Doom alpha 0.4 and 0.5).
The default master file.


The directory where the iwad resides. The value of this environment variable is overridden by -main, -doom and friends.




DeuTex is copyright © 1994-1995 Olivier Montanuy, copyright © 1999-2005 Andre Majorel.
Most of this program is GPL'd but some of it is available under other licenses. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE for specific information and copyright notices. All trademarks are the property of their owners.


The original author of DeuTex is Olivier Montanuy <Olivier.Montanuy=wanadoo+fr>. From 1994 to 1996, DeuTex was maintained by Olivier Montanuy with help from Per Allansson <c91peral=und+ida+liu+se>, James Bonfield <jkb=mrc-molecular-biology+cambridge+ac+uk>, Sharon Bowles, Mark Mathews <mark.mathews=channel1+com> and Chuck Rossi. The original manual was written by Kevin McGrail <hevkev=sfo+com>.
As of version 4 (1999), the maintainer is Andre Majorel <URL:>.
Questions and bug reports should be sent to the current maintainer, not to the original authors.


wadcat(6), wadext(6), wadext2(6), wadflat(6), wadgc(6), wadlc(6), wadldc(6), wadpatch(6), wadsprit(6), wadtex(6), wadtxls(6), xwadtools(6)
2005-08-31 DeuTex 4.4.902