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cxxtestgen - Generates test source files for CxxTest


cxxtestgen [ options] [-o output] <file> ...


This script parses the files provided and generates an output source file that can be build with traditional compiler to produce the test-runner executable.


--help Show help message and exit.
Write the CxxTest version.
--output=NAME Write output to file NAME.
--world=WORLD The label of the tests, used to name the XML results.
Include file HEADER in the test runner before other headers.
Abort tests on failed asserts (like xUnit).
Specify an alternative name for the main() function.
Specify a filename that contains a list of header files that are processed to generate a test runner.
Create a test runner that processes test events using the class CxxTest:: CLASS.
The currently available runners are:
ErrorPrinter This is the standard error printer, which formats its output to the standard output stream (std::cout). Same as --error-printer.
ParenPrinter Identical to ErrorPrinter except that it prints line numbers in parantheses. This is the way Visual Studio expects it.
StdioPrinter The same as ErrorPrinter except that it uses printf instead of std::cout.
XmlPrinter Print test results to an XML file.
XUnitPrinter This test listener generates output using both ErrorPrinter and XmlPrinter. Same as --xunit-printer.
Create a GUI test runner that processes test events using the class CxxTest:: CLASS. (deprecated)
Create a test runner using the ErrorPrinter class, and allow the use of the standard library.
Create a test runner using the XUnitPrinter class.
The file to which the XML summary is written for test runners using the XUnitPrinter class. The default XML filename is TEST-< WORLD>.xml, where <WORLD> is the value of the --world option. (default: cxxtest)
Use the standard library (even if not found in tests).
Do not use standard library (even if found in tests).
Use exception handling (even if not found in tests).
Do not use exception handling (even if found in tests).
Use TYPE as for long long integers. The default is for 'no' long long integer type to be specified, which is consistent with the current C++ standard.
Do not rely on static initialization in the test runner.
Generate the test runner using file TEMPLATE to define a template.
Write the main() function and global data for a test runner.
Write the tester classes for a test runner.
--fog-parser Use new FOG C++ parser (Python 2.7 is required).


Copyright (C) 2008 Sandia Corporation
This software is distributed under the LGPL License v2.1 Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
2012-01-06 CxxTest generator version 4