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adt-testreport-runloop(1) Linux Programmer's Manual adt-testreport-runloop(1)


adt-testreport-runloop - repeatedly choose and test packages


adt-testreport-runloop [[ !@]variable=value|[!@]settings-file]...


adt-testreport-runloop is a rather ad-hoc script which repeatedly invokes adt-testreport-onepackage; it is designed to be invoked from cron.
WARNING - it is essential to reconfigure this program before use, as the supplied examples will send emails to people who will become very upset with you!


Command-line arguments containing = are interpreted with eval; other arguments are sourced using ., in each case interpreted as bash script.
Supplied arguments are both executed by a-t-r and passed through to the invocation of a-t-o. You may prefix an argument with @ to indicate that it is for a-t-onepackage only, or with ! to indicate that it is for a-t-runloop only.
Thus the set of variables which can be set is the union of those for a-t-runloop itself and those for a-t-onepackage. See the a-t-o manpage for such information about its configuration as is available. Configuration fragment authors should bear in mind that both programs use set -e.
It is quite permissible to set PATH and other needed environmnet variables in the configuration file.
The following variables may be set:
distribution (`suite') to be tested. There is no default. This variable is used only for the default values of testbed_check_path and test_classes. However, it is probably a convenient way of specifying the intended effect particularly as attempting to do cross-distribution testing in a single installation does not work properly right now (see a-t-o's BUGS).
the maximum number of times to invoke a-t-o. This counts both passed and failed tests, but it doesn't count possible runs which were suppressed. Default: 10.
Run even though the file go does not exist. See SUPPRESSION, below. Default: false.
Used in combination with distro when calculating the right default for test_classes. The default is the result from dpkg --print-architecture.
If the file named by this variable doesn't exist, a-t-r will exit. This avoids it spinning and reporting many immediate failures due to a broken testbed. The default is /var/lib/autopkgtest/xenlvm/adt_distro/good if distro is set, which assumes that the Xen-based virtualisation system is being used; if distro is not set then default is /dev/null which nullifies this feature.
Specifies the set of test classes to try, with the details of each test class separated by a colon : from the next. a-t-r will run a-t-o once for each listed test class and then return to the beginning of the list.
Tests in each class are thus selected approximately equally often. (If max_test_count is not a multiple of the number of actual test classes then early classes are used slightly more.)
Each test class consists of a set of suppression checks, a comma ,, and some configuration arguments for a-t-o. The suppression checks are whitespace-separated words; see SUPPRESSION. The configuration arguments are likewise whitespace-separated. There is no provision for passing configuration arguments containing spaces to a-t-o. a-t-o arguments in test classes override other configuration settings.
The default is source distro, target=source : binary distro, target=binary-architecture which tests binary packages and source packages from the same distribution in alternation


a-t-r is designed to be enabled and disabled by sentinel files.
Firstly, if the file go does not exist in its working directory, it will stop at the first sensible opportunity. (See also the go_anyway configuration variable.)
Secondly, test classes may specify suppression checks. For each such check classcheck, a-t-r will test for the existence of stop-classcheck in its current directory. If that file exists, it will suppress that class of test. Do not suppress all of the tests without removing go.


default sentinel file for testbed_check_path.
Sentinel file indicating that operation should be enabled.
Sentinel file indicating that test classes mentioning classcheck should be suppressed.
adt-testreport-runloop does not use any other files directly, but it will probably need a configuration file as an argument, and it will invoke adt-testreport-onepackage which uses many files in the current directory and which invokes an autopkgtest virtualisation server.


It is essential not to use the example configuration! This configuration is likely to send inappropriate emails!
There is no locking. Whatever invokes a-t-r should take out a lock of some kind. See the example cronjobs provided in hosts/*/cronjob in the source package.
If all of the test classes are suppressed, a-t-r will spin in a tight loop looking for something to do.
The testbed_check_path feature is rather ad-hoc. It would be better to query the virtualisation server to be used directly and then suppress the test class if relevant. (But the infinite loop bug would need to be fixed too.)
The design precludes detecting attempts to set incorrectly named configuration options.


This manpage is part of autopkgtest, a tool for testing Debian binary packages. autopkgtest is Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Canonical Ltd and others.
See /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/CREDITS for the list of contributors and full copying conditions.
2007 autopkgtest