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edfhed(1) Aghermann edfhed(1)


edfhed -- EDF header dumper/editor.


edfhed [OPTIONS] file.edf ...


edfhed is a terminal program to view the header of EDF files (with option -b, or none), or modify fields in the header (see options -s, -T and -R).
-b, --no-channels
Only dump general header fields (no channel details).
-R, --from-tree
Given file location Subject/Session/Episode.edf, set recording_id to ‘Session/Episode’ and patient_id to ‘Subject’.
-T, --from-mtime
Set ‘recording_date’ and ‘recording_time’ fields to file modification date/time.
-t, --touch-mtime
Set file mtime to timestamp assembled from ‘recording_date’ and ‘recording_time’ fields (assuming local timezone).
-s, --set=[CH:]FIELD:VALUE
Set FIELD to VALUE (in channel CH if specified, as a 1-based integer index).
Possible general fields are: version_number (if it ain’t broke, don’t touch it), patient_id, recording_id, recording_date, recording_time, reserved (remember that the contents of this field is significant wrt EDF/EDF+ distinction).
Channel fields: label, transducer_type, physical_dim, physical_min, physical_max, digital_min, digital_max, filtering_info, reserved.
Direct field assignment done via --set option(s) will override any assignments effected by options -T or -R.
-?, --help
Give this help list
Give a short usage message


For Aghermann to be able to manage an EDF file, all relevant fields in its header must be filled out correctly, as folllows:
patient_id uniquely identifies the Subject;
recording_id identifies the recording session (out of several other such sessions, each containing the same series of episodes) and the individual episode. These two items must appear in one of the following combinations:
"Session : Episode"
"Episode (Session)"
recording_date and recording_time must (obviously) be both correct.
Channel labels must be a valid System 10-20 channel designation, i.e., "Nz", "Fp1", "Fpz", "Fp2", "AF7", "AF3", "AFz", "AF4", "AF8", "F9", "F7", "F5", "F3", "F1", "Fz", "F2", "F4", "F6", "F8", "F10", "FT9", "FT7", "FC5", "FC3", "FC1", "FCz", "FC2", "FC4", "FC6", "FCT8", "FT10", "A1", "T9", "T7", "C5", "C3", "C1", "Cz", "C2", "C4", "C6", "T8", "T10", "A2", "TP9", "TP7", "CP5", "CP3", "CP1", "CPz", "CP2", "CP4", "CP6", "TP8", "TP10", "P9", "P7", "P5", "P3", "P1", "Pz", "P2", "P4", "P6", "P8", "P10", "PO7", "PO3", "POz", "PO4", "PO8", "O1", "Oz", "O2", "Iz", plus a few channels of other signal types: "Left", "Right", "Chin",
optionally prepended by signal type ("EEG", "EOG", "EMG", "ECG", "ERG", "NC", "MEG", "MCG", "EP", "Temp", "Resp", "SaO2", "Light", "Sound", "Event", "Freq") and a space.


aghermann(1), edfhed-gtk(1).


edfhed is written by Andrei Zavada <> as part of the Aghermann project.