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FeelWindowBox(1x) AfterStep X11 window manager FeelWindowBox(1x)


FeelWindowBox - defines placement policy for certain type of windows, based on desk, window attributes, window size, etc. Useful for xinerama configurations, where windows should not be placed in between screens.


Area WxH+X+Y
This defines the confining region of a WindowBox.
Desk desk
Limits the effects of this WindowBox to the specified desk.
FirstTry SmartPlacement|RandomPlacement|Tile
strategy to use while placing window. The FirstTry strategy will attempt to place window in empty space only.
See Also: Window Placement types for further details.
MaxHeight height
places restrains on what size window could be placed in this area.
MaxLayer max_layer
Limits effects of the WindowBox to windows with layer value that falls in range.
MaxWidth width
Places restrains on what size window could be placed in this area.
MinHeight height
places restrains on what size window could be placed in this area.
MinLayer min_layer
limits the effects of the WindowBox to windows with layer value that falls in range.
MinWidth width
places restrains on what size window could be placed in this area.
This will reverse order in which Cascade and Tile strategies are applied, making it Right-to-left, bottom-to-top.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
ThenTry RandomPlacement|Cascade|Manual
backup strategy to use when there is no suitable empty space.
See Also: Window Placement types for further details.
Cascading and Tiling will be done in Vertical direction first.
Defines that area is in virtual coordinates.
WindowBox "windowbox_name"
Starts a WindowBox definition. ~WindowBox ends it.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
This is a whole new thing to allow better window placement policy :
WindowBox   "some_name"
    Area   WxH+X+Y
    MinWidth        width
    MinHeight       height
    MaxWidth        width
    MaxHeight       height
    FirstTry        SmartPlacement|RandomPlacement|Tile
    ThenTry         RandomPlacement|Cascade|Manual
    Desk        desk
    MinLayer    min_layer
    MaxLayer    max_layer
Note that old SmartPlacement/RandomPlacement has been coopted to be used for Default windowbox.
AfterStep v.2.2.11 3rd Berkeley Distribution