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dh_python3 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.


dh_python3 -p PACKAGE [-V [X.Y][-][A.B]] DIR [-X REGEXPR]



if necessary, describe supported Python 3 versions via X-Python3-Version field in debian/control,
build-depend on python3 or python3-all or python3-all-dev,
build module/application using its standard build system, remember to build extensions for all supported Python 3 versions (loop over py3versions -vr),
install files to the standard locations, add --install-layout=deb to's install command if your package is using distutils,
add python3 to dh's --with option, or:
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ in debian/rules and depend on cdbs (>= 0.4.90), or:
call dh_python3 in the binary-* target,
add ${python3:Depends} to Depends



dh_python3 tries to translate Python dependencies from requires.txt file to Debian dependencies. Use debian/py3dist-overrides or --no-guessing-deps option to override it if the guess is incorrect. If you want dh_python3 to generate more strict dependencies (f.e. to avoid ABI problems) create debian/python3-foo.pydist file. See /usr/share/doc/dh-python/README.PyDist for more information. If the pydist file contains PEP386 flag or set of (uscan like) rules, dh_python3 will make the depedency versioned (version requirements are ignored by default).

private dirs

/usr/share/foo, /usr/share/games/foo, /usr/lib/foo and /usr/lib/games/foo private directories are scanned for Python files by default (where foo is binary package name). If your package is shipping Python files in some other directory, add another dh_python3 call in debian/rules with directory name as an argument - you can use different set of options in this call. If you need to change options (f.e. a list of supported Python 3 versions) for a private directory that is checked by default, invoke dh_python3 with --skip-private option and add another call with a path to this directory and new options.

debug packages

In binary packages which name ends with -dbg, all files in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ directory that have extensions different than so or h are removed by default. Use --no-dbg-cleaning option to disable this feature.

overriding supported / default Python versions

If you want to override system's list of supported Python versions or the default one (f.e. to build a package that includes symlinks for older version of Python or compile .py files only for given interpreter version), you can do that via DEBPYTHON3_SUPPORTED and/or DEBPYTHON3_DEFAULT env. variables.
Example: 3.2,3.3 limits the list of supported Python versions to Python 3.2 and Python 3.3.


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show help message and exit
disable guessing dependencies
do not remove any files from debug packages

--no-ext-rename do not add magic tags nor multiarch tuples to extension file names
do not rewrite shebangs
don't check private directories
-v, --verbose
turn verbose mode on
-i, --indep
act on architecture independent packages
-a, --arch
act on architecture dependent packages
-q, --quiet
be quiet
-p PACKAGE, --package=PACKAGE
act on the package named PACKAGE
-N NO_PACKAGE, --no-package=NO_PACKAGE
do not act on the specified package
specify list of supported Python 3 versions. See py3compile(1) for examples
exclude items that match given REGEXPR. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude.
compile all files from given private directory in postinst/rtupdate not just the ones provided by the package (i.e. do not pass the --package parameter to py3compile/py3clean)
translate given requirements into Debian dependencies and add them to ${python3:Depends}. Use it for missing items in requires.txt
translate given requirements into Debian dependencies and add them to ${python3:Recommends}
translate given requirements into Debian dependencies and add them to ${python3:Suggests}
translate requirements from given file(s) into Debian dependencies and add them to ${python3:Depends}
use given command as shebang in scripts
do not translate shebangs into Debian dependencies


py3compile(1), py3clean(1)
dh_python2(1), pycompile(1), pyclean(1) - most recent version of this document


Piotr Ożarowski, 2012-2013