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lrfviewer(1) lrfviewer(1)


lrfviewer - view LRF ebook


lrfviewer [options] book.lrf


Read the LRF ebook book.lrf
Whenever you pass arguments to lrfviewer that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks.


show program´s version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Redirect console output to a dialog window (both stdout and stderr). Useful on windows where GUI apps do not have a output streams.
Print more information about the rendering process
Turn on visual aids to debugging the rendering engine
Disable hyphenation. Should significantly speed up rendering.
By default the background is off white as I find this easier on the eyes. Use this option to make the background pure white.
Profile the LRF renderer


Created by Kovid Goyal <>
04 March 2014