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vcf-annotate - annotate VCF file, add filters or custom annotations


cat in.vcf | vcf-annotate [OPTIONS] > out.vcf


About: Annotates VCF file, adding filters or custom annotations. Requires tabix indexed file with annotations.

Currently annotates only the INFO column, but it will be extended on demand.


The tabix indexed file with the annotations: CHR\tFROM[\tTO][\tVALUE]+.
The list of columns in the annotation file, e.g. CHROM,FROM,TO,-,INFO/STR,INFO/GN. The dash in this example indicates that the third column should be ignored. If TO is not present, it is assumed that TO equals to FROM.
Header annotation, e.g. key=INFO,ID=HM2,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description='HapMap2 membership'. The descriptions can be read from a file, one annotation per line.
Apply filters, list is in the format flt1=value/flt2/flt3=value/etc.
This help message.


Apply all filters with default values (can be overridden, see the example below).
Exclude the filter X
1, StrandBias
FLOAT Min P-value for strand bias (given PV4) [0.0001]
2, BaseQualBias
FLOAT Min P-value for baseQ bias [1e-100]
3, MapQualBias
FLOAT Min P-value for mapQ bias [0]
4, EndDistBias
FLOAT Min P-value for end distance bias [0.0001]
INT Minimum number of alternate bases [2]
INT1,INT2 Filters clusters of 'INT1' or more SNPs within a run of 'INT2' bases []
INT Maximum read depth [10000000]
INT Minimum read depth [2]
INT Minimum RMS mapping quality for SNPs [10]
INT Minimum value of the QUAL field [10]
Reference base is N []
INT Window size for filtering adjacent gaps [10]
INT SNP within INT bp around a gap to be filtered [10]


zcat in.vcf.gz | vcf-annotate -a annotations.gz -d descriptions.txt | bgzip -c >out.vcf.gz zcat in.vcf.gz | vcf-annotate -f +/-a/c=3,10/q=3/d=5/-D -a annotations.gz -d descriptions.txt | bgzip -c >out.vcf.gz

Where descriptions.txt contains:

key=INFO,ID=GN,Number=1,Type=String,Description='Gene Name' key=INFO,ID=STR,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description='Strand'
July 2011 vcf-annotate 0.1.5