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PYJSON5(1) User Commands PYJSON5(1)


pyjson5 - manual page for pyjson5


json5 [-h] [-V] [-c STR] [--as-json] [--indent INDENT] [--quote-keys][--no-quote-keys] [--trailing-commas] [--no-trailing-commas][FILE]


A tool to parse and pretty-print JSON5.


positional arguments:

optional file to read JSON5 document from; if not specified or "-", will read from stdin instead


show this help message and exit
print the version and exit
inline json5 string to read instead of reading from a file
output as JSON (same as --quote-keys --no-trailingcommas)
amount to indent each line (default is 4 spaces)
quote all object keys
don't quote object keys that are identifiers (this is the default)
add commas after the last item in multi-line objects and arrays (this is the default)
do not add commas after the last item in multi-line lists and objects


$ echo '{foo:"bar"}' | pyjson5
foo: 'bar',
$ echo '{foo:"bar"}' | pyjson5 --as-json
"foo": "bar"
April 2024 pyjson5