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ORIENT(9) HAL Component ORIENT(9)


orient - Provide a PID command input for orientation mode based on current spindle position, target angle and orient mode


loadrt orient [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]]


This component is designed to support a spindle orientation PID loop by providing a command value, and fit with the motion spindle-orient support pins to support the M19 code.

The spindle is assumed to have stopped in an arbitrary position. The spindle encoder position is linked to the position pin. The current value of the position pin is sampled on a positive edge on the enable pin, and command is computed and set as follows: floor(number of full spindle revolutions in the position sampled on positive edge) plus angle/360 (the fractional revolution) +1/-1/0 depending on mode.

The mode pin is interpreted as follows:

0: the spindle rotates in the direction with the lesser angle, which may be clockwise or counterclockwise.

1: the spindle rotates always rotates clockwise to the new angle.

2: the spindle rotates always rotates counterclockwise to the new angle.


On spindle.N.orient disconnect the spindle control and connect to the orient-pid loop:

loadrt orient names=orient
loadrt pid names=orient-pid
net orient-angle spindle.N.orient-angle orient.angle
net orient-mode spindle.N.orient-mode orient.mode
net orient-enable spindle.N.orient orient.enable orient-pid.enable
net spindle-in-pos
net spindle-pos encoder.position orient.position
net orient-command orient.command orient-pid.command


Update command based on enable, position, mode and angle.


enable angular output for orientation mode
0: rotate - shortest move; 1: always rotate clockwise; 2: always rotate counterclockwise
spindle position input, unit 1 rev
orient target position in degrees, 0 <= angle < 360
target spindle position, input to PID command
in degrees - aid for PID tuning
This pin goes high when poserr < tolerance. Use to drive
The tolerance in degrees for considering the align completed


Michael Haberler



2025-02-26 LinuxCNC Documentation