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Pandoc::Release(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Pandoc::Release(3pm)


Pandoc::Release - get pandoc releases from GitHub


From command line:

  # print latest release name
  perl -MPandoc::Release -E 'say latest->{name}'
  # download latest release unless already in ~/.pandoc/bin
  perl -MPandoc::Release -E 'latest->download'
  # download specific release and create symlink ~/.pandoc/bin/pandoc
  perl -MPandoc::Release -E 'get("2.7.3")->download->symlink'

In Perl code:

  use Pandoc::Release;
  my $release = get('2.1.3');   # get a specific release
  my $latest = latest;          # get a latest release
  # get multiple releases
  my @releases = list( since => '2.0', verbose => 1 );
  foreach my $release (@releases) {
      # print version number
      say $release->{tag_name};
      # download Debian package and executable
      $release->download( dir => './deb', bin => './bin' );
  # download executable and use as temporary Pandoc object:
  my $pandoc = get('2.1.3)->download( bin => './bin' );


This utility module fetches information about pandoc releases via GitHub API. On Debian-bases systems, this module can update and switch locally installed pandoc versions if you add directory "~/.pandoc/bin" to your $PATH.

See pandoc-version for a command line script that makes use of this module.


All functions are exported by default.

get( $version, %options )

Get a specific release by its version or die if the given version does not exist. Returns data as returned by GitHub releases API: <>.

list( %options )

Get a list of all pandoc releases, optionally "since" some version or within a version "range" such as "!=1.16, <=1.17" or "==2.1.2". See "Version Ranges" in CPAN::Meta::Spec for possible values. Option "verbose" will print URLs before each request. Option "limit" limits the maximum number of releases to be returned.

latest( %options )

Get the latest release, optionally "since" some version or within a version "range". Equivalent to method "list" with option "limit => 1".


download( %options )

Download the Debian release file for some architecture (e.g. "amd64") Pandoc executables is then extracted to directory "bin" named by pandoc version number (e.g. "pandoc-2.1.2"). Skips downloading if an executable of this name is already found there. Returns a Pandoc instance if "bin" is not false or Pandoc::Version otherwise. Additional options:

Where to download release files to. A temporary directory is used by default.
System architecture, detected with "dpkg --print-architecture" by default.
Where to extract pandoc binary to. By default set to "~/.pandoc/bin" on Unix (see Pandoc function "pandoc_data_dir"). Extraction of executables can be disabled by setting "bin" to a false value.
Create a symlink to the executable. This is just a shortcut for calling function "symlink" of Pandoc:

  $release->download( verbose => $v )->symlink( $l, verbose => $v )
  $release->download( verbose => $v, symlink => $l )   # equivalent


Print what's going on (disabled by default).
GitHub token <> to avoid rate limiting.




2023-01-06 perl v5.36.0