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MATC(1) User Commands MATC(1)


matc - filament material tools


matc is a command-line tool to compile material definition. Usages:

matc [options] <input-file>

Supported input formats:

Filament material definition (.mat)


--help, -h

Print this message


Print copyright and license information

--output, -o

Specify path to output file

--platform, -p

Shader family to generate: desktop, mobile or all (default)

--optimize-size, -S

Optimize generated shader code for size instead of just performance

--api, -a

Specify the target API: opengl (default), vulkan, metal, or all This flag can be repeated to individually select APIs for inclusion:
matc --api opengl --api metal ...

--define, -D

Add a preprocessor define macro via <macro>=<value>. <value> defaults to 1 if omitted. Can be repeated to specify multiple definitions:
matc -Dfoo=1 -Dbar -Dbuzz=100 ...

--reflect, -r

Reflect the specified metadata as JSON: parameters

--variant-filter=<filter>, -V <filter>

Filter out specified comma-separated variants:
directionalLighting, dynamicLighting, shadowReceiver, skinning, vsm, fog
This variant filter is merged with the filter from the material, if any

--version, -v

Print the material version number

Internal use and debugging only:

--optimize-none, -g

Disable all shader optimizations, for debugging

--preprocessor-only, -E

Optimize shaders by running only the preprocessor

--raw, -w

Compile a raw GLSL shader into a SPIRV binary chunk

--output-format, -f

Specify output format: blob (default) or header

--debug, -d

Generate extra data for debugging

--print, -t

Print generated shaders for debugging
October 2021 matc 10