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gt_mpi_gather - MPI gatherer for GenomicsDB


gt_mpi_gather [options]


--help, -h
Print a usage message summarizing options available and exit
--json-config=<query json file>, -j <query json file>
Can specify workspace, array, query_column_ranges, query_row_ranges, vid_mapping_file, callset_mapping_file, query_attributes, query_filter, reference_genome, etc. as fields in the json file e.g.
{ "workspace" : "/tmp/ws",
"array" : "t0_1_2", "query_column_ranges" : [ [ [0, 100 ], 500 ] ], "query_row_ranges" : [ [ [0, 2 ] ], "vid_mapping_file" : "/tests/inputs/vid.json", "callset_mapping_file": "/tests/inputs/callset_mapping.json", "query_attributes" : [ "REF", "ALT", "BaseQRankSum", "MQ", "MQ0", "ClippingRankSum", "MQRankSum", "ReadPosRankSum", "DP", "GT", "GQ", "SB", "AD", "PL", "DP_FORMAT", "MIN_DP" ] }
--loader-json-config=<loader json file>, -l <loader json file>
Optional, if vid_mapping_file and callset_mapping_file fields are specified in the query json file
--workspace=<workspace dir>, -w <GenomicsDB workspace dir>
Optional, if workspace is specified in any of the json config files
--array=<array dir>, -A <GenomicsDB array dir>
Optional, if array is specified in any of the json config files
Optional, prints VariantCalls in a JSON format
Optional, outputs CSV with the fields and the order of CSV lines determined by the query attributes
Optional, produces combined gVCF from the GenomicsDB data constrained by the query configuration --output-format=<output_format>, -O <output_format>
Output format can be one of the following strings: "z[0-9]" (compressed VCF),"b[0-9]" (compressed BCF) or "bu" (uncompressed BCF). Default is uncompressed VCF if not specified.
--version Print version and exit
If none of the print/produce arguments are specified, the tool prints all the Variants constrained by the query configuration in a JSON format
Parallel Querying
MPI could be used for parallel querying, e.g. mpirun -n <num_processes> -hostfile <hostfile> ./bin/gt_mpi_gather -j <query.json> -l <loader.json> [<other_args>]
July 2022 gt_mpi_gather