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GCLI-SNIPPETS(1) General Commands Manual GCLI-SNIPPETS(1)


gcli snippetsmanage Gitlab snippets


gcli snippets [-l] [-s] [-n n]

gcli snippets delete snippet-id

gcli snippets get snippet-id


Use gcli snippets to list, create, download or delete GitLab snippets. Without a subcommand specified, gcli snippets will list all of your own snippets.


, --long
Print a long list instead of a short table.
, --sorted
Reverse the output such that most recent items appear at the bottom.
, --count n
Fetch at least n snippets. Setting n to -1 will fetch all snippets. Default: 30. Note that on users with many snippets fetching all snippets can take a considerable amount of time and may result in rate limiting by the GitLab API.


Delete a snippet.
Fetch the raw contents of the snippet.


List all of your snippets:

$ gcli -t gitlab snippets

Delete snippet with id 69420:

$ gcli -t gitlab snippets delete 69420

Print snippet with id 69420 into your pager:

$ gcli -t gitlab snippets get 69420 | $PAGER


git(1), gcli(1)


Nico Sonack aka. herrhotzenplotz <> and contributors.


  • This subcommand only works on Gitlab. It is not implemented for GitHub, as GitHub Gists work differently.
  • Creating snippets is currently unimplemented.
  • There is no -y flag to ask the user whether he is sure about deleting a snippet.

Please report bugs via E-Mail to ~herrhotzenplotz/

Alternatively you can report them on any of the forges linked at However, the preferred and quickest method is to use the mailing list.

2024-May-25 gcli 2.3.0