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SYNCACHE-DRB(1) General Commands Manual SYNCACHE-DRB(1)


syncache-drb - SynCache dRuby object cache server


syncache-drb [ options ] [ URI ]


syncache-drb starts a Distributed Ruby server providing a SynCache::Cache object.

SynCache::Cache is a thread-safe time-limited object cache with flexible replacement strategy.


A URI with druby: schema that the DRb server binds to, default is druby://*:9000
Display usage information and quit.
Time-to-live value for cache entries, default is 24 hours.
Maximum number of objects in cache, default is 10000.
Rate-limit flush operations. If less than that number of seconds has passed since last flush, next flush will be delayed. Default is no rate limit.
Run as USER if started as root. Default is nobody.
File to write errors to. Default is /dev/null. When run as root, the file is chowned to USER:adm.
Enable debug mode. If an error log is specified with --error-log, all messages will be sent there instead of syslog.
Path to pidfile. By default, pidfile is created under /var/run/syncache-drb/ when run as root, or under $TMPDIR otherwise. Location should be writeable by USER.
Do not daemonize, switch to a different user, create pidfile, redirect output, or log to syslog.


This manual page was written by Dmitry Borodaenko <>. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or later.