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CVE REJECT(1) cve reject Manual CVE REJECT(1)


cve-reject - Reject a CVE record for a reserved or...


cve reject [OPTIONS] CVE_ID


Reject a CVE record for a reserved or published CVE ID.

If the CVE is already rejected, this action will update its record if one is supplied.
A rejected CVE with a record can only be moved to the published state (see `cve publish`).
A rejected CVE without a record can be moved to the reserved state. A published CVE can only
be rejected with an accompanying record. Reserved CVEs can be rejected with or without a record.


cve reject CVE-2022-1234 -j '{"rejectedReasons": [{"lang": "en", "value": "A reason."}]}'

For information on the required properties in a given CVE JSON record, see the
`cnaRejectedContainer` schema in:


JSON body of CVE record to reject.
Print response JSON.
2022-09-30 1.0.0