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pgcopydb list - pgcopydb list

pgcopydb list - List database objects from a Postgres instance

This command prefixes the following sub-commands:

pgcopydb list

tables List all the source tables to copy data from
sequences List all the source sequences to copy data from
indexes List all the indexes to create again after copying the data
depends List all the dependencies to filter-out


pgcopydb list tables - List all the source tables to copy data from

The command pgcopydb list tables connects to the source database and executes a SQL query using the Postgres catalogs to get a list of all the tables to COPY the data from.

pgcopydb list tables: List all the source tables to copy data from
usage: pgcopydb list tables  --source ...

--source Postgres URI to the source database
--filter <filename> Use the filters defined in <filename>
--list-skipped List only tables that are setup to be skipped
--without-pkey List only tables that have no primary key


pgcopydb list sequences - List all the source sequences to copy data from

The command pgcopydb list sequences connects to the source database and executes a SQL query using the Postgres catalogs to get a list of all the sequences to COPY the data from.

pgcopydb list sequences: List all the source sequences to copy data from
usage: pgcopydb list sequences  --source ...

--source Postgres URI to the source database
--filter <filename> Use the filters defined in <filename>
--list-skipped List only tables that are setup to be skipped


pgcopydb list indexes - List all the indexes to create again after copying the data

The command pgcopydb list indexes connects to the source database and executes a SQL query using the Postgres catalogs to get a list of all the indexes to COPY the data from.

pgcopydb list indexes: List all the indexes to create again after copying the data
usage: pgcopydb list indexes  --source ... [ --schema-name [ --table-name ] ]

--source Postgres URI to the source database
--schema-name Name of the schema where to find the table
--table-name Name of the target table
--filter <filename> Use the filters defined in <filename>
--list-skipped List only tables that are setup to be skipped


pgcopydb list depends - List all the dependencies to filter-out

The command pgcopydb list depends connects to the source database and executes a SQL query using the Postgres catalogs to get a list of all the objects that depend on excluded objects from the filtering rules.

pgcopydb list depends: List all the dependencies to filter-out
usage: pgcopydb list depends  --source ... [ --schema-name [ --table-name ] ]

--source Postgres URI to the source database
--schema-name Name of the schema where to find the table
--table-name Name of the target table
--filter <filename> Use the filters defined in <filename>
--list-skipped List only tables that are setup to be skipped


The following options are available to pgcopydb dump schema:

Connection string to the source Postgres instance. See the Postgres documentation for connection strings for the details. In short both the quoted form "host=... dbname=..." and the URI form postgres://user@host:5432/dbname are supported.
Filter indexes from a given schema only.
Filter indexes from a given table only (use --schema-name to fully qualify the table).
List only tables from the source database when they have no primary key attached to their schema.
This option allows to skip objects in the list operations. See Filtering for details about the expected file format and the filtering options available.
Instead of listing objects that are selected for copy by the filters installed with the --filter option, list the objects that are going to be skipped when using the filters.



Connection string to the source Postgres instance. When --source is ommitted from the command line, then this environment variable is used.


Listing the tables:

$ pgcopydb list tables
14:35:18 13827 INFO  Listing ordinary tables in "port=54311 host=localhost dbname=pgloader"
14:35:19 13827 INFO  Fetched information for 56 tables

OID | Schema Name | Table Name | Est. Row Count | On-disk size ---------+----------------------+----------------------+-----------------+----------------
17085 | csv | track | 3503 | 544 kB
17098 | expected | track | 3503 | 544 kB
17290 | expected | track_full | 3503 | 544 kB
17276 | public | track_full | 3503 | 544 kB
17016 | expected | districts | 440 | 72 kB
17007 | public | districts | 440 | 72 kB
16998 | csv | blocks | 460 | 48 kB
17003 | expected | blocks | 460 | 48 kB
17405 | csv | partial | 7 | 16 kB
17323 | err | errors | 0 | 16 kB
16396 | expected | allcols | 0 | 16 kB
17265 | expected | csv | 0 | 16 kB
17056 | expected | csv_escape_mode | 0 | 16 kB
17331 | expected | errors | 0 | 16 kB
17116 | expected | group | 0 | 16 kB
17134 | expected | json | 0 | 16 kB
17074 | expected | matching | 0 | 16 kB
17201 | expected | nullif | 0 | 16 kB
17229 | expected | nulls | 0 | 16 kB
17417 | expected | partial | 0 | 16 kB
17313 | expected | reg2013 | 0 | 16 kB
17437 | expected | serial | 0 | 16 kB
17247 | expected | sexp | 0 | 16 kB
17378 | expected | test1 | 0 | 16 kB
17454 | expected | udc | 0 | 16 kB
17471 | expected | xzero | 0 | 16 kB
17372 | nsitra | test1 | 0 | 16 kB
16388 | public | allcols | 0 | 16 kB
17256 | public | csv | 0 | 16 kB
17047 | public | csv_escape_mode | 0 | 16 kB
17107 | public | group | 0 | 16 kB
17125 | public | json | 0 | 16 kB
17065 | public | matching | 0 | 16 kB
17192 | public | nullif | 0 | 16 kB
17219 | public | nulls | 0 | 16 kB
17307 | public | reg2013 | 0 | 16 kB
17428 | public | serial | 0 | 16 kB
17238 | public | sexp | 0 | 16 kB
17446 | public | udc | 0 | 16 kB
17463 | public | xzero | 0 | 16 kB
17303 | expected | copyhex | 0 | 8192 bytes
17033 | expected | dateformat | 0 | 8192 bytes
17366 | expected | fixed | 0 | 8192 bytes
17041 | expected | jordane | 0 | 8192 bytes
17173 | expected | missingcol | 0 | 8192 bytes
17396 | expected | overflow | 0 | 8192 bytes
17186 | expected | tab_csv | 0 | 8192 bytes
17213 | expected | temp | 0 | 8192 bytes
17299 | public | copyhex | 0 | 8192 bytes
17029 | public | dateformat | 0 | 8192 bytes
17362 | public | fixed | 0 | 8192 bytes
17037 | public | jordane | 0 | 8192 bytes
17164 | public | missingcol | 0 | 8192 bytes
17387 | public | overflow | 0 | 8192 bytes
17182 | public | tab_csv | 0 | 8192 bytes
17210 | public | temp | 0 | 8192 bytes

Listing the indexes:

$ pgcopydb list indexes
14:35:07 13668 INFO  Listing indexes in "port=54311 host=localhost dbname=pgloader"
14:35:07 13668 INFO  Fetching all indexes in source database
14:35:07 13668 INFO  Fetched information for 12 indexes

OID | Schema | Index Name | conname | Constraint | DDL ---------+------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------+---------------------
17002 | csv | blocks_ip4r_idx | | | CREATE INDEX blocks_ip4r_idx ON csv.blocks USING gist (iprange)
17415 | csv | partial_b_idx | | | CREATE INDEX partial_b_idx ON csv.partial USING btree (b)
17414 | csv | partial_a_key | partial_a_key | UNIQUE (a) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX partial_a_key ON csv.partial USING btree (a)
17092 | csv | track_pkey | track_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (trackid) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX track_pkey ON csv.track USING btree (trackid)
17329 | err | errors_pkey | errors_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (a) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX errors_pkey ON err.errors USING btree (a)
16394 | public | allcols_pkey | allcols_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (a) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX allcols_pkey ON public.allcols USING btree (a)
17054 | public | csv_escape_mode_pkey | csv_escape_mode_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (id) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX csv_escape_mode_pkey ON public.csv_escape_mode USING btree (id)
17199 | public | nullif_pkey | nullif_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (id) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX nullif_pkey ON public."nullif" USING btree (id)
17435 | public | serial_pkey | serial_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (a) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX serial_pkey ON public.serial USING btree (a)
17288 | public | track_full_pkey | track_full_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (trackid) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX track_full_pkey ON public.track_full USING btree (trackid)
17452 | public | udc_pkey | udc_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (b) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX udc_pkey ON public.udc USING btree (b)
17469 | public | xzero_pkey | xzero_pkey | PRIMARY KEY (a) | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xzero_pkey ON public.xzero USING btree (a)


Dimitri Fontaine


2022, Dimitri Fontaine

July 20, 2022 0.8