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SUMO(1) User Commands SUMO(1)


SUMO - Import O/D-matrices for macroscopic traffic assignment


marouter [OPTION]*


SUMO marouter Version 0.28.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 DLR and contributors;

Import O/D-matrices for macroscopic traffic assignment

Configuration Options:

-c, --configuration-file FILE
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration FILE
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-template FILE
Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema FILE
Saves the configuration schema into FILE
Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema

Input Options:

-n, --net-file FILE
Use FILE as SUMO-network to route on
-d, --additional-files FILE
Read additional network data (districts, bus stops) from FILE
-m, --od-matrix-files FILE
Loads O/D-files from FILE(s)
--od-amitran-files FILE
Loads O/D-matrix in Amitran format from FILE(s)
-r, --route-files FILE
Read sumo-routes or trips from FILE(s)
-w, --weight-files FILE
Read network weights from FILE(s)
--lane-weight-files FILE
Read lane-based network weights from FILE(s)
-x, --weight-attribute STR
Name of the xml attribute which gives the edge weight
--weight-adaption FLOAT
The travel time influence of prior intervals
--taz-param STR
Parameter key(s) defining source (and sink) taz

Output Options:

--output-prefix STR
Prefix which is applied to all output files. The special string 'TIME' is replaced by the current time.
-o, --output-file FILE
Write flow definitions with route distributions to FILE
--vtype-output FILE
Write used vehicle types into separate FILE
Does not save vtype information
--netload-output FILE
Writes edge loads and final costs into FILE
--all-pairs-output FILE
Writes complete distance matrix into FILE
Write exit times (weights) for each edge

Processing Options:

--aggregation-interval TIME
Defines the time interval when aggregating single vehicle input; Defaults to one hour
Continue if a route could not be build
--max-alternatives INT
Prune the number of alternatives to INT
Interpolate edge weights at interval boundaries
Expand weights behind the simulation's end
--routing-algorithm STR
Select among routing algorithms ['dijkstra', 'astar', 'CH', 'CHWrapper']
Aggregate routing queries with the same origin for different vehicle types
--routing-threads INT
The number of parallel execution threads used for routing
--weight-period TIME
Aggregation period for the given weight files; triggers rebuilding of Contraction Hierarchy
-s, --scale FLOAT
Scales the loaded flows by FLOAT
--vtype STR
Defines the name of the vehicle type to use
--prefix STR
Defines the prefix for vehicle flow names
--timeline STR
Uses STR as a timeline definition
Uses STR as a 24h-timeline definition
Keep traffic flows of all time slots in the net
--assignment-method STR
Choose a assignment method: incremental, UE or SUE
--tolerance FLOAT
Use FLOAT as tolerance when checking for SUE stability
--left-turn-penalty FLOAT
Use left-turn penalty FLOAT to calculate link travel time when searching routes
--paths INT
Use INTEGER as the number of paths needed to be searched for each OD pair at each iteration
--paths.penalty FLOAT
Penalize existing routes with FLOAT to find secondary routes
--upperbound FLOAT
Use FLOAT as the upper bound to determine auxiliary link cost
--lowerbound FLOAT
Use FLOAT as the lower bound to determine auxiliary link cost
-i, --max-iterations INT
maximal number of iterations for new route searching in incremental and stochastic user assignment
--max-inner-iterations INT
maximal number of inner iterations for user equilibrium calcuation in the stochastic user assignment
--route-choice-method STR
Choose a route choice method: gawron, logit, or lohse
--gawron.beta FLOAT
Use FLOAT as Gawron's beta
--gawron.a FLOAT
Use FLOAT as Gawron's a
Save routes with near zero probability
Only reuse routes from input, do not calculate new ones
--logit.beta FLOAT
Use FLOAT as (c-)logit's beta for the commonality factor
--logit.gamma FLOAT
Use FLOAT as (c-)logit's gamma for the commonality factor
--logit.theta FLOAT
Use FLOAT as (c-)logit's theta

Defaults Options:

--flow-output.departlane STR
Assigns a default depart lane
--flow-output.departpos STR
Assigns a default depart position
--flow-output.departspeed STR
Assigns a default depart speed
--flow-output.arrivallane STR
Assigns a default arrival lane
--flow-output.arrivalpos STR
Assigns a default arrival position
--flow-output.arrivalspeed STR
Assigns a default arrival speed

Time Options:

-b, --begin TIME
Defines the begin time; Previous trips will be discarded
-e, --end TIME
Defines the end time; Later trips will be discarded; Defaults to the maximum time that SUMO can represent

Report Options:

-v, --verbose
Switches to verbose output
Prints option values before processing
-?, --help
Prints this screen
-V, --version
Prints the current version
-X, --xml-validation STR
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "auto" or "always") STR
Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "auto" or "always")
-W, --no-warnings
Disables output of warnings
-l, --log FILE
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log FILE
Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log FILE
Writes all warnings and errors to FILE

Random Number Options:

Initialises the random number generator with the current system time
--seed INT
Initialises the random number generator with the given value


marouter -c <CONFIGURATION>
run routing with options from file


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Build features: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu InternalLanes DoublePrecision TRACI PROJ GDAL GUI
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 DLR and contributors;

SUMO marouter Version 0.28.0 is part of SUMO.
SUMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

November 2016 SUMO marouter Version 0.28.0