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salt-call - salt-call Documentation


salt-call [options]


The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. Salt-call is used to run a Standalone Minion, and was originally created for troubleshooting.

The Salt Master is contacted to retrieve state files and other resources during execution unless the --local option is specified.


salt-call commands execute from the current user's shell context, while salt commands execute from the system's default context.


Print the version of Salt that is running.

Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit

-h, --help
Show the help message and exit

-c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.

Raise any original exception rather than exiting gracefully Default: False

-g, --grains
Return the information generated by the Salt grains

-m MODULE_DIRS, --module-dirs=MODULE_DIRS
Specify an additional directory to pull modules from. Multiple directories can be provided by passing -m /--module-dirs multiple times.

-d, --doc, --documentation
Return the documentation for the specified module or for all modules if none are specified

Specify the master to use. The minion must be authenticated with the master. If this option is omitted, the master options from the minion config will be used. If multi masters are set up the first listed master that responds will be used.

--return RETURNER
Set salt-call to pass the return data to one or many returner interfaces. To use many returner interfaces specify a comma delimited list of returners.

Run salt-call locally, as if there was no master running.

Set this directory as the base file root.

Set this directory as the base pillar root.

Exit with the salt call retcode and not the salt binary retcode

Print out the execution metadata as well as the return. This will print out the outputter data, the return code, etc.

Specify the minion id to use. If this option is omitted, the id option from the minion config will be used.

Do not load grains.

Force a refresh of the grains cache

Logging Options

Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.

Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/minion.

Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.

Output Options

Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml

Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.

If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.


If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.

--out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.

--out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
Write the output to the specified file.

Disable all colored output

Force colored output


When using colored output the color codes are as follows:

green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.


salt(1) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)


Thomas S. Hatch <> and many others, please see the Authors file
April 20, 2018 2016.11.2