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PACEMAKER(8) System Administration Utilities PACEMAKER(8)


Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager


crm_mon mode [options]


crm_mon - Provides a summary of cluster's current state.

Outputs varying levels of detail in a number of different formats.


-?, --help
This text
-$, --version
Version information
-V, --verbose
Increase debug output
-Q, --quiet
Display only essential output


-h, --as-html=value
Write cluster status to the named html file
-X, --as-xml
Write cluster status as xml to stdout. This will enable one-shot mode.
-w, --web-cgi
Web mode with output suitable for cgi
-s, --simple-status
Display the cluster status once as a simple one line output (suitable for nagios)
-S, --snmp-traps=value
Send SNMP traps to this station
-C, --snmp-community=value
Specify community for SNMP traps(default is NULL)
-T, --mail-to=value
Send Mail alerts to this user. See also --mail-from, --mail-host, --mail-prefix

Display Options:

-n, --group-by-node
Group resources by node
-r, --inactive
Display inactive resources
-f, --failcounts
Display resource fail counts
-o, --operations
Display resource operation history
-t, --timing-details
Display resource operation history with timing details
-c, --tickets
Display cluster tickets
-W, --watch-fencing
Listen for fencing events. For use with --external-agent, --mail-to and/or --snmp-traps where supported
-L, --neg-locations[=value]
Display negative location constraints [optionally filtered by id prefix]
-A, --show-node-attributes
Display node attributes
-D, --hide-headers
Hide all headers
-R, --show-detail
Show more details (node IDs, individual clone instances)
-b, --brief
Brief output

Additional Options:

-i, --interval=value
Update frequency in seconds
-1, --one-shot
Display the cluster status once on the console and exit
-N, --disable-ncurses
Disable the use of ncurses
-d, --daemonize
Run in the background as a daemon
-p, --pid-file=value
(Advanced) Daemon pid file location
-F, --mail-from=value
Mail alerts should come from the named user
-H, --mail-host=value
Mail alerts should be sent via the named host
-P, --mail-prefix=value
Subjects for mail alerts should start with this string
-E, --external-agent=value
A program to run when resource operations take place.

-e, --external-recipient=value A recipient for your program (assuming you want the program to send something to someone).


Display the cluster status on the console with updates as they occur:
# crm_mon

Display the cluster status on the console just once then exit:

# crm_mon -1

Display your cluster status, group resources by node, and include inactive resources in the list:

# crm_mon --group-by-node --inactive

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it write the cluster status to an HTML file:

# crm_mon --daemonize --as-html /path/to/docroot/filename.html

Start crm_mon and export the current cluster status as xml to stdout, then exit.:

# crm_mon --as-xml

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it send email alerts:

# crm_mon --daemonize --mail-to --mail-host

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it send SNMP alerts:

# crm_mon --daemonize --snmp-traps


Written by Andrew Beekhof


Report bugs to
December 2016 Pacemaker 1.1.16