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memtool(1) General Commands Manual memtool(1)


memtool - display and modify memory


memtool md [-b|-w|-l|-q] [-x] [-s filename] region
memtool mw [-b|-w|-l|-q] [-d filename] start data...


memtool allows one to read and write regions of files. When applied to /dev/mem (which is the default file) the regions represent memory mapped registers.

There are currently two subcommands: mw to write to memory/a file; and md to read from memory/a file.

Note that on some machines there are alignment restrictions that forbid for example to read a word from an address that is not word aligned. memtool doesn't try to be smart here but simply tries what is requested by the caller. This might result in all kind of errors which are not considered to be a bug of the tool, but either the machine or the caller.


Use byte wise (8-bit) access
Use word wise (16-bit) access
Use long wise (32-bit) access
Use quad wise (64-bit) access
-d filename
Write to filename.
-s filename
Read from filename.
Swap bytes at output


Memory regions can be specified in two different forms:

start specifies the byte offset of the region's beginning, i.e. the first included address. size specifies the size of the region in bytes and defaults to 0x100. Alternatively end specifies the offset of the last included address. Offsets can be specified in decimal or hexadecimal with a prefix 0x. Additionally you can use suffixes G, M, and k, which multiply by 1024^3, 1024^2, and 1024 respectively.

December 2015 memtool - display and modify memory