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WCSWARE(1) User Commands WCSWARE(1)


wcsware - Extract WCS keywords for an image


wcsware [ -a<alt>] [-f] [-h<hdu>] [-p] [ -x] [<fitsfile>]


wcsware extracts the WCS keywords for an image from the specified FITS file, constructs wcsprm structs for each coordinate representation found and performs a variety of operations using them.
The FITS file may be specified according to the syntax understood by cfitsio, for example "file.fits.gz+1" refers to the first extension of a gzip'd FITS file. Use "-" or omit the file name for input from stdin.


Specify an alternate coordinate representation to be used (ignored if there is only one).
Apply wcsfix() to the header.
Move to HDU number (1-relative) which is expected to contain an image array. (Useful for input from stdin.)
Print the struct(s) using wcsprt() (default operation).
Same as -p but don't print a default struct.
Convert pixel coordinates, obtained from stdin, to world coordinates using wcsp2s().
Convert world coordinates, obtained from stdin, to pixel coordinates using wcss2p().
September 2014 wcsware 4.24