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set_poweron_time - set a time in the future for the system to be powered on


/usr/sbin/set_poweron_time [-s] -t absolute_time
/usr/sbin/set_poweron_time [-s] -d delta_time
/usr/sbin/set_poweron_time -m
/usr/sbin/set_poweron_time -h


The set_poweron_time utility is used to set a time in the future to power on the system. The utility uses firmware interfaces provided by IBM ppc64 systems to provide this functionality.
When used with the -t option, the utility will configure the system to power-on at the specified date and time. This is usefule for specifying that the sysetm should be restarted at 6 AM on Monday morning, for example.
When used with the -d option, the utility will treat the specified time as a delta from the present. This is useful for specifying that the system should be restarted in 2 days, for example.
Times for the -t and -d options should be specified in the following format:
The month, if specified, should be in the range of 1-12. The day, if specified, should be in the range of 1-31. The hour, if specified, should be in the range of 0-23. The minute and second, if specified, should be in the range of 0-59.
For the -t option:
Year, month, and day default to the current date if not specified. Hour, minute, and second default to 0 if not specified.
For the -d option:
Year, month, day, hour, minute, and second default to 0 if not specified.
When used with the -m option, the utility will print the maximum amount of time in the future that the power-on time can be set (in days). This option cannot be used with any others.
When used with the -s option, the utility will shut down the system with shutdown -h now after the power-on time has been set. If the utility is unable to set the power-on time for any reason, the system will not be shut down.


-t absolute_time
specify the power-on time
-d delta_time
specify the power-on time as a delta from the current time
print the maximum amount of time in the future that the power-on time can be set (in days)
shut down the system after setting the power-on time. The system will not be shut down if the power-on time cannot be set for any reason.
print a usage message with examples


Shut down the system and schedule it to restart in 12 hours
and 10 minutes:
set_poweron_time -d h12m10 -s
Schedule the system to restart at noon on June 15th of this year:
set_poweron_time -t M6D15h12
May 2004 Linux