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PMWEBAPI(3) Library Functions Manual PMWEBAPI(3)


PMWEBAPI - introduction to the Performance Metrics Web Application Programming Interface


The PMWEBAPI interface is a binding of a subset of the PMAPI to the web. It uses HTTP as transport, REST as organizational style for request/parameter encoding (the GET and POST methods are interchangeable), and JSON as response encoding. A context identifier is used as a persistent way to refer to PMAPI contexts across related web requests. These context identifiers expire after a configurable period of disuse. Errors generally result in HTTP-level error responses. An Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header is added to all JSON responses.


To create a new web context identifier, a web client invokes:
Creates a PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL PMAPI context.
Creates a PM_CONTEXT_HOST PMAPI context with the given host name and/or extended specification. If the host specification contains a userid/password combination, then the corresponding pmapi context operations will require HTTP Basic authentication credentials with matching userid/password.
Creates a PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE PMAPI context with the given file name.
In addition, the web client may add the parameter &polltimeout=MMMM for a maximum interval (in seconds) between expected accesses to the given context. This value is limited by pmwebd configuration, and is a courtesy to allow pmwebd to free up memory earlier in case of sudden web application shutdown.
If successful, the response from these requests is a JSON document of the form:
{ "context" : NNNNN }
The number (a 32-bit unsigned decimal) is then used in all later operations.


The general form of the requests is as follows: /pmapi/NNNNN/OPERATION where
is the fixed prefix for all PMWEBAPI operations,
is a PMWEBAPI context number returned from a context-creation call, or assigned permanently at pmwebd startup, and
identifies the operation and its URL-encoded parameters. Some parameters may be optional.

METRIC METADATA: pmLookupName, pmLookupDesc, pmTraversePMNS_r

The general form of the requests is as follows:
Traverse the entire PMNS.
Traverse the subtree of PMNS with the prefix NAME.
The response is a JSON document that provides the metric metadata as an array. For example:
{ "metrics": [ 
    { "name":"", "pmID":PPPP, "indom":DDDD,
      "type":"32", "sem":"instant", "units":"MHz",
      "text-oneline":"foo bar", "text-help":"blah blah blah" },
    { "name":"foo.bar2", ... }
  ] }
Most of the fields are self-explanatory.
the PMID
the instance domain
from pmTypeStr
from pmUnitsStr
an abbreviation of the metric semantic:
PM_SEM_COUNTER "counter"
PM_SEM_INSTANT "instant"
PM_SEM_DISCRETE "discrete"


The general form of the requests is as follows:
Fetch current values for given named metrics.
Fetch current values for given PMIDs.
The response is a JSON document that provides the values for all requested metrics, for all their instances.
{ "timestamp": { "s":SEC, "us":USEC },
  "values": [
        { "pmid":PPPP1, "name":"NAME1",
          "instances:" [
               { "instance":IIII1, "value":VALUE1 }
               { "instance":IIII2, "value":VALUE2 }
          ] },
        { "pmid":PPPP2, "name":"NAME2", ... }
  ] }
Most of the fields are self-explanatory. Numeric metric types are represented as JSON integer or floating-point values. Strings are passed verbatim, except that non-ASCII values are replaced with a Unicode 0xFFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER code. Event type metrics are not currently supported.

INSTANCE DOMAINS METADATA: pmGetInDom, pmNameInDom, pmLookupInDom

The general form of the requests is as follows:
List instances of the given instance domain.
List instances of the instance domain belonging to the named metric.
In addition, either query may be suffixed with:
Restrict listings to given instance code numbers.
Restrict listings to given instance names.
The response is a JSON document that provides the metric metadata as an array. For example:
{ "indom":DDDD,
   "instances": [
      { "instance":IIII, "name":"INAME" }
   ] }

INSTANCE PROFILE: pmAddProfile, pmDelProfile

These are not currently supported.
These are not currently supported.
These are not currently supported.
These are not currently supported.
These are not currently supported.
These are not currently supported.

DERIVED METRICS: pmRegisterDerived

These are not currently supported.

CONTEXT COPY: pmDupContext

These are not currently supported.

CONTEXT CLOSE: pmDestroyContext

This is not likely to be supported, as it is destructive and would offer a tempting target to brute-force attackers. Instead, the pmwebd timeout is used to automatically free unused contexts.


PCPIntro(1), PCPIntro(3), pmwebd(3), and PMAPI(3)
PCP Performance Co-Pilot