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NGRAPH(1) General Commands Manual NGRAPH(1)


Ngraph - creating scientific 2-dimensional graphs


ngraph [options] [data file(s) or ngp file]


Ngraph is the program to create scientific 2-dimensional graphs for researchers and engineers. Graphs can be exported to PostScript, SVG, PNG or PDF format.


Command line options are:
-L file
load ngp file
-x column
data column for the x axis
-y column
data column for the y axis
use X axis as the x axis
use Y axis as the y axis
use U axis as the x axis
use R axis as the y axis
-d {mark | line | polygon | curve | diagonal | arrow | rectangle | rectangle_fill | rectangle_solid_fill | errorbar_x | errorbar_y | staircase_x | staircase_y | bar_x | bar_y | bar_fill_x | bar_fill_y | bar_solid_fill_x | bar_solid_fill_y | fit}
specify plot type
-m type
specify mark type (0-89)
-o size
specify mark size
-l style
specify line style
-w width
specify line width
-CR n
specify red component of the 1st plot color (0-255)
-CG n
specify green component of the 1st plot color (0-255)
-CB n
specify blue component of the 1st plot color (0-255)
-cr n
specify red component of the 2nd plot color (0-255)
-cg n
specify green component of the 2nd plot color (0-255)
-cb n
specify blue component of the 2nd plot color (0-255)
-s line
specify number of the head skip
-r step
specify number of the read step
-f line
specify number of the final line
-vx n
neighbor average of the x data
-vy n
neighbor average of the y data
-mx formula
specify math transformation for the x data
-my formula
specify math transformation for the y data
-ex {linear | log | inverse | MJD}
specify scale type of the x axis
-ey {linear | log | inverse | MJD}
specify scale type of the y axis
-minx value
specify minimum value of x axis
-maxx value
specify maximum value of x axis
-incx value
specify increment value of x axis
-miny value
specify minimum value of y axis
-maxy value
specify maximum value of y axis
-incy value
specify increment value of y axis
load settings from data file
-png file
convert ngp file to PNG format
-pdf file
convert ngp file to PDF format
-ps file
convert ngp file to PostScript format
-eps file
convert ngp file to Encapsulated PostScript format
-svg file
convert ngp file to SVG format
-gra file
convert ngp file to GRA format
show print dialog (with -p option)
-p file
print ngp file
output ngp-file to stdout
-h, --help
show help message
-v, --version
show version of Ngraph
show detail information about Ngraph


start up script
configuration file
default graph


Hiroyuki Ito <>




Copyright © 2003 Satoshi ISHIZAKA
Copyright © 2008-2011 Hiroyuki Ito
Local 4th Berkeley Distribution