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timer(3) MLPACK timer(3)


timer - MLPACK Timers


MLPACK provides a simple timer interface for the timing of machine learning methods. The results of any timers used during the program are displayed at output by the mlpack::CLI object, when --verbose is given:
$ allknn -r dataset.csv -n neighbors_out.csv -d distances_out.csv -k 5 -v
[INFO ] Program timers:
[INFO ]   computing_neighbors: 0.010650s
[INFO ]   loading_data: 0.002567s
[INFO ]   saving_data: 0.001115s
[INFO ]   total_time: 0.149816s
[INFO ]   tree_building: 0.000534s

Timer API

The mlpack::Timer class provides three simple methods:
void Timer::Start(const char* name);
void Timer::Stop(const char* name);
timeval Timer::Get(const char* name);
Each timer is given a name, and is referenced by that name. You can call Timer::Start() and Timer::Stop() multiple times for a particular timer name, and the result will be the sum of the runs of the timer. Note that Timer::Stop() must be called before Timer::Start() is called again.
A 'total_time' timer is run by default for each MLPACK program.

Timer Example

Below is a very simple example of timer usage in code.
#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
using namespace mlpack;
int main(int argc, char** argv) { CLI::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
// Start a timer. Timer::Start("some_timer");
// Do some things. DoSomeStuff();
// Stop the timer. Timer::Stop("some_timer"); }
If the --verbose flag was given to this executable, the resultant time that 'some_timer' ran for would be shown.
Tue Sep 9 2014 Version 1.0.10