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mia-3dvf2transform(1) USER COMMANDS mia-3dvf2transform(1)


mia-3dvf2transform - Convert a 3D vectorfield from a 3D transformation.


mia-3dvf2transform -i <in-file> -o <out-file> [options]


mia-3dvf2transform Creates a 3D transformation from a vector field. The input vector field is simply encapsulated into the transformation file format. The boundary conditions and the image interpolator kernel can be set at the command line.


-i --in-file=(input,required)
input transformation For supported file types see PLUGINS:3dvf/io
-o --out-file=(output,required)
output vector field For supported file types see PLUGINS:3dtransform/io
-k --imgkernel=bspline:d=3
image interpolator kernel which is used when the transformation is applied to an image For supported plugins see PLUGINS:1d/splinekernel
-b --imgboundary=mirror
Boundary condition applied when the transformation is used to transform an image For supported plugins see PLUGINS:1d/splinebc

Help & Info

-V --verbose=warning
verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities. Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:
info ‐ Low level messages
trace ‐ Function call trace
fail ‐ Report test failures
warning ‐ Warnings
error ‐ Report errors
debug ‐ Debug output
message ‐ Normal messages
fatal ‐ Report only fatal errors
print copyright information
-h --help
print this help
-? --usage
print a short help
print the version number and exit


Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).

PLUGINS: 1d/splinebc

Spline interpolation boundary conditions that mirror on the boundary
(no parameters)
Spline interpolation boundary conditions that repeats the value at the boundary
(no parameters)
Spline interpolation boundary conditions that assumes zero for values outside
(no parameters)

PLUGINS: 1d/splinekernel

B-spline kernel creation , supported parameters are:
d = 3 (int)
Spline degree. in [0, 5]
OMoms-spline kernel creation, supported parameters are:
d = 3 (int)
Spline degree. in [3, 3]

PLUGINS: 3dtransform/io

Binary (non-portable) serialized IO of 3D transformations
Recognized file extensions: .bbs
Virtual IO to and from the internal data pool
Recognized file extensions: .@
Vista storage of 3D transformations
Recognized file extensions: .v, .v3dt
XML serialized IO of 3D transformations
Recognized file extensions: .x3dt

PLUGINS: 3dvf/io

obsolete 3d vector field io plugin for range compressend vista (saving not supported)
Recognized file extensions: .CVF, .cvf
Supported element types:
floating point 32 bit
Virtual IO to and from the internal data pool
Recognized file extensions: .@
a 3d vector field io plugin for vista
Recognized file extensions: .V, .VF, .v, .vf
Supported element types:
floating point 32 bit
3D Vector field in- and output (experimental). No attributes are stored or read.
Recognized file extensions: .VTK, .VTKVF, .vtk, .vtkvf
Supported element types:
floating point 32 bit


Transform the input vector field field.vtk to the transformation trans.v3df and specify zero boundary conditions and b-splines of degree 2 for image interpolation.
mia-3dvf2transform -i field.vtk -o trans.v3df --imgkernel bspline:d=2 --imgboundary zero


Gert Wollny


This software is Copyright (c) 1999‐2013 Leipzig, Germany and Madrid, Spain. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (or later). For more information run the program with the option '--copyright'.
17 October 2014 2.0.10