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tensor3(2rheolef) rheolef-6.5 tensor3(2rheolef)


tensor3 - a third order tensor


The tensor3 class defines a fourth tensor where indices varie from zero to 2 (aka 3D physical space).


template<class T>
class tensor3_basic {
typedef size_t size_type; typedef T element_type; typedef T float_type;
// allocators:
tensor3_basic (const T& init_val = 0); tensor3_basic (const tensor3_basic<T>& a);
// affectation:
tensor3_basic<T>& operator= (const tensor3_basic<T>& a); tensor3_basic<T>& operator= (const T& val);
// accessors:
T& operator()(size_type i, size_type j, size_type k); const T& operator()(size_type i, size_type j, size_type k) const;
// algebra tensor3_basic<T>& operator*= (const T& k); tensor3_basic<T>& operator/= (const T& k) { return operator*= (1./k); } tensor_basic<T> operator* (const point_basic<T>& v) const; tensor3_basic<T> operator* (const tensor_basic<T>& b) const; tensor3_basic<T> operator+ (const tensor3_basic<T>& b) const;
// data: protected: T _x [3][3][3]; }; typedef tensor3_basic<Float> tensor3;
rheolef-6.5 rheolef-6.5