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lasinfo(1) lasinfo(1)


lasinfo - display LAS file details


[ -h | -i arg [ -v] [ --no-vlrs] [ --no-schema] [ --no-check] [ --xml] [ -p arg] [ Filtering options] ]


lasinfo displays LAS file details with optional output filters. While lasinfo can do a few simple operations like updating header information, more drastic changes, like removing points or altering values, will require las2las(1).


lasinfo options:
-h, --help
produce help message
-i arg, --input arg
input LAS file
-v, --verbose
Verbose message output
Don't show VLRs
Don't show schema
Don't scan points
Output as XML
-p arg, --point arg
Display a point with a given id. --point 44
Filtering options:
-e arg, --extent arg
Extent window that points must fall within to keep. Use a comma-separated or quoted, space-separated list, for example, -e minx, miny, maxx, maxy or -e minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz -e "minx miny minz maxx maxy maxz"
--minx arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to minx to be kept. --minx 1234.0
--miny arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to miny to be kept. --miny 5678.0
--minz arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to minz to be kept. If maxx and maxy are set but not minz *and maxz, all z values are kept. --minz 0.0
--maxx arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxx to be kept. --maxx 1234.0
--maxy arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxy to be kept. --maxy 5678.0
--maxz arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxz to be kept. If maxx and maxy are set but not maxz *and minz, all z values are kept. --maxz 10.0
-t arg, --thin arg (=0)
Simple decimation-style thinning. Thin the file by removing every t'th point from the file.
Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first_return_only)
Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last_return_only)
--keep-returns arg
A list of return numbers to keep in the output file: --keep-returns 1 2 3
--drop-returns arg
Return numbers to drop. For example, --drop-returns 2 3 4 5
Keep only valid points
--keep-classes arg
A list of classifications to keep: --keep-classes 2 4 12 --keep-classes 2
--drop-classes arg
A comma-separated list of classifications to drop: --drop-classes 1,7,8 --drop-classes 2
--keep-intensity arg
Range in which to keep intensity. The following expression types are supported: --keep-intensity 0-100 --keep-intensity <200 --keep-intensity >400 --keep-intensity >=200
--drop-intensity arg
Range in which to drop intensity. The following expression types are supported: --drop-intensity <200 --drop-intensity >400 --drop-intensity >=200
--keep-time arg
Range in which to keep time. The following expression types are supported: --keep-time 413665.2336-414092.8462 --keep-time <414094.8462 --keep-time >413665.2336 --keep-time >=413665.2336
--drop-time arg
Range in which to drop time. The following expression types are supported: --drop-time <413666.2336 --drop-time >413665.2336 --drop-time >=413665.2336
--keep-scan-angle arg
Range in which to keep scan angle. The following expression types are supported: --keep-scan-angle 0-100 --keep-scan-angle <100 --keep-scan-angle <=100
--drop-scan-angle arg
Range in which to drop scan angle. The following expression types are supported: --drop-scan-angle <30 --drop-scan-angle >100 --drop-scan-angle >=100
--keep-color arg
Range in which to keep colors. Define colors as two 3-tuples (R,G,B-R,G,B): --keep-color '0,0,0-125,125,125'
--drop-color arg
Range in which to drop colors. Define colors as two 3-tuples (R,G,B-R,G,B): --drop-color '255,255,255-65536,65536,65536'


Example data
Visit the libLAS sample library for LiDAR data in LAS format: ⟨⟩
21 August 2014