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Eliom_comet(3o) Eliom_comet(3o)


Eliom_comet - Handle unsolicited server to client communications.


Module Eliom_comet


Module Eliom_comet
: sig end
Handle unsolicited server to client communications.
See the Eliom manual for a detailed introduction to the concept of .
=== When the page is not active the client stops making comet requests to the server, implying that the client can't be notified by the server anymore. The activity status is changed when the page is focused or unfocused. To stop receiving inputs from a channel, use Lwt.cancel on a thread waiting for data. For instance, if you iterate with let t = Lwt_stream.iter f %channel calling Lwt.cancel t will close the channel. ===
exception Channel_full
Channel_full is raised when trying to read on a channel marked full by the server. It is not possible to read anything else from a full channel.
exception Process_closed
Process_closed is raised when reading on a channel and the server side of the application closed the client process. This apply only to stateful channels
exception Channel_closed
Process_closed is raised when reading on a channel and the server side of the application closed channel ( the channel was garbage collected ). This apply only to stateless channels
val is_active : unit -> [ `Active | `Idle | `Inactive ]
is_active () returns the current activity state
val activate : unit -> unit
if the client is inactive activate () launch a new xhr connection to start receiving server messages
module Configuration : sig end
Change the reactivity of channels. Multiples configurations ( of type t ) can be created. The resulting behaviour is the minimal ( in the meaning of maximal reactivity ) between all configurations
module Channel : sig end
2014-07-10 OCamldoc